Order, 28 November 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of November Jaj vic Nyntie five



Recommendation Sir James Ramsay and his Lady

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Sir James Ramsay of Logie and his Lady Shewing That wher the right honorable, The Estates of parliament In Consideration of the hard useage the petitioners hade mett with from the Earle of Seaforth Did by ther Act in June Last appoint the petitioners ane aliement of ane Thousand pounds Scots yearly to be payed be his Lordship dureing the dependence of their proces against him, And Seing the said aliement is Declared by the said act to Commence from Whitsunday Last and so is not payable till Whitsunday nixt Jaj vic nyntie six, Which was for Contrair to the mind of the parliament and the Nature of the alimentarie appointment which was rather to be advanced and more especially In the petitioners case whose wholl fortune is in the hands of the said Earle Wherby they are redacted to inexpressible straits and would have Sterved if the saids Lords hade not provyded remeed And Seing the petitioners are become very old and in firme Sir James being about Nyntie Seven years of age And ther throw has been fixt to his bed these two years bygone And ther aliment not being payable till Whitsunday and haveing nothing in the meantime either to Live upon or to burie them Credably the which probably may very shortly fall out And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Sir James Ramsay and his Lady, They hereby Recommend to the Lord Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to advance to the petitioners upon the Credit of the above Act of parliament what their Lordships shall find necessary for ther present subsistance, To be thankfully repayed out of the first and readiest of the said aliement appointed to the Saids petitioners be the said act of parliament.

Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of November Jaj vic Nyntie five



Recommendation Sir James Ramsay and his Lady

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Sir James Ramsay of Logie and his Lady Shewing That wher the right honorable, The Estates of parliament In Consideration of the hard useage the petitioners hade mett with from the Earle of Seaforth Did by ther Act in June Last appoint the petitioners ane aliement of ane Thousand pounds Scots yearly to be payed be his Lordship dureing the dependence of their proces against him, And Seing the said aliement is Declared by the said act to Commence from Whitsunday Last and so is not payable till Whitsunday nixt Jaj vic nyntie six, Which was for Contrair to the mind of the parliament and the Nature of the alimentarie appointment which was rather to be advanced and more especially In the petitioners case whose wholl fortune is in the hands of the said Earle Wherby they are redacted to inexpressible straits and would have Sterved if the saids Lords hade not provyded remeed And Seing the petitioners are become very old and in firme Sir James being about Nyntie Seven years of age And ther throw has been fixt to his bed these two years bygone And ther aliment not being payable till Whitsunday and haveing nothing in the meantime either to Live upon or to burie them Credably the which probably may very shortly fall out And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Sir James Ramsay and his Lady, They hereby Recommend to the Lord Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to advance to the petitioners upon the Credit of the above Act of parliament what their Lordships shall find necessary for ther present subsistance, To be thankfully repayed out of the first and readiest of the said aliement appointed to the Saids petitioners be the said act of parliament.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 42r-42v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 42r-42v.