Edinburgh Tuesday 19th November 1695
Act Scot of Heychester
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Gordon Scot of Heychester Shewing That wher the petitioner obtained Decreet of parliament against the Earle of Seaforth for a Considerable Sum of money Wherupon the petitioner is to doe Dilligence against the said Earle and against the Countess Douger his mother and haveing Imployed Severale Messengers for that effect They declyne to execute the petitioners dilligence and refuse to undertake the same not finding safe 2 access in the execution of their offices within the Earles Countrey unless they were assisted by Some of the nixt adjacent forces And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to allow the petitioner a Competent assistance of his majesties forces at Fort William Inverness or wher ther are lying nixt adjacent to the places wher the petitioners said legall dilligence is to be put in executione to Support and protect the messengers that shall be Imployed by the petitioner in the due execution of his legall dilligence against the said Earle and his mother by horning poynding areistment or otherwayes And to Recomend to the Governor of Fort William the Comander of the forces at Inverness or other places adjacent for the time to Grant Suitable parties when Called for to the effect forsaid As the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Gidion Scot of Heychester They herby Recomend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Comander in Chief of his majesties forces within this kingdome To give orders to the Governour of Fort William or Comander of the forces at Inverness or other places adjacent to furnish the petitioner with Competent parties of his majesties forces for Suporting and protecting the messengers who shall be Imployed by him in the due execution of his legall Dilligence upon the said Decreet of parliament.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 29r.
2. An illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 29r.
2. An illegible word scored out here.