[23 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem
Recommendation anent accompts In favors of the Toune of Aberbrothick
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered two severall reports of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey the one therof dated the Tenth of January Jaj vjc nyntie one Bearing that the Committie having Considered ane accompt due by their Majesties forces to Patrick Stiven present provest and the Magistrats and other inhabitants of the toune of Aberbrothwick with the instructions and verifications therof They Find the haill articles of the said accomptts suficiently verified and proven and it is their opinion that the same ought to be payed out of the thrie moneths Cess and hearth money apointed be act of parliament for payment of the areirs due to the army Except the second article of the said accompt being for annualrent Which be order of the Committie is expunged In Respect the principall Soume wherof the annualrent is stated, Is to be payed out of the arreirs due to the armie which bears no annualrent And Finds that all the articles of the said accompts are resting be the particular forces and according to the particular proportions following Viz be the Earle of Angus his regiment Conforme to Livd Coll Fullertoune Livd Coll therof his recept and precept upon the Lords of thesaurie to the said provest Stiven for himself and the said toune The soume of ane Thousand ane hundreth and nyntein punds fiftein shilling ten penies scots Item to Elizabeth Smith relict of Alexander Pearson merchant in Aberbrothick be that Company of the said regiment under the Comand of Captain Hay one of the Captaines therof the Soume of thriescore nyne pund Thrie shilling four pennies money forsaid Item be that Company of the said regiment under the Comand of Captain John Campbell of Moy one of the Captaines therof to the said Elizabeth the soume of Threttie seven punds seven penies money forsaid Item to the said Elizabeth be that Company of the said regiment under the Comand of the said Captaine Hay the soume of thrie pund one shilling two penies money forsaid Item to the said Elizabeth be that 2 Companie of the said regiment under Command of the said Captaine John Campbell of Moy Eleven pund sixtein shilling money forsaid Item be John Webster merchant in Aberbrothick be that Company of the said regiment under Comand of Black Captaine Campbell The Soume of Twentie two punds money forsaid Item to the said John be that Company of the said regiment under Comand of the said Captain Hay the soume of nyntein punds Ten shilling money forsaid, Item to Sir James Anderson merchant be that Company of the said regiment under the Command of Captaine John Haddo the soume of five punds six shilling Eight pennies money forsaid Item to John Marr be that Company of the said regiment under the Comand of Captain Gilchrist the like soume of five punds six shilling Eight penies money forsaid Extending the haill forsaids soumes due be the said regiment to the persones abovenamed to the soume of ane Thousand Two hundreth nyntie thrie punds thrie3 penies4 money forsaid And the Committie Finds that ther is resting be the troop of horss under the Command of Captaine Burnet the soume of Twentie four punds scots money forsaid, and the Committie Is of oppinion that the saids magistrats and Inhabitants of the said Toune of Aberbrothick should be Recomended to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill for payment of the soumes forsaids Out of the saids thrie moneths Cess and hearth money appointed be act of parliament for payment of the arreirs due to the army as said is, And another report dated the twentie thrid of Jully the said year Bearing That the Commitie having againe revised the said accompt They Find the haill articles of the said accompt are before the act of parliament of the date the tenth day of september Jaj vjc nyntie years, anent the thrie moneths Cess and hearth money and that they are all in the termes of the act of Councill of the date the nynth day of Jully instant as the said two report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve of the said reports and Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause pay to the said Patrick Stiven, The magistrates and other inhabitants of Aberbrothick the above totall soume of one Thousand thrie hundreth and seventein punds and thrie pennies scots as resting be his Majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 300r-301r.
2. The word ‘Captaine’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘shilling’ scored out here.
4. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 300r-301r.
2. The word ‘Captaine’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘shilling’ scored out here.
4. Insertion.