Edinburgh Thursday 14th February 1695
Recomendatione Pittarro and his Lady and tenents anent accompts
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the report of a Comittie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the Committie haveing Considered the accompt given in to them as resting be his majesties forces to Sir David Carnegie of Pittarrow and the viscountes Dowager of Arbuthnot his Lady and ther tenants and servants with the instructiones and verificationes therof, They Find that ther are some of the articles of the saids accompts not in the termes of the act of parliament anent the polemoney and proclamations of Councill relative therto, And Therfore they have Refused and rejected these articles, And Finds it sufficiently verified and proven either be recepts under the hands of the Souldiers to whom the saids accompts were furnished or be the oathes and depositiones of the parties furnishers taken before two of the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Kincardine Conforme to the Commissioners reports one the ends of the saids accompts all which accompts recepts and reports were produced to and Considered be the Comittie That be sides the articles refused and rejected as said is ther is yet resting to the said Sir David Carnegie and his said Lady and ther tennents and servants be his majesties forces upon scots pay the soumes following Viz be the Master of Polwarth his troope of horss the Soume of Threttie Seven punds Eightein shilling two penies Item be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of ane hundreth and Fourscore pends sixtein shilling seven penies scots Item by the Lord Beilhaven his troop of horss two punds scots Item by Captain Mckay’s Independant Company four punds scots Item by the Lord Rollo his troop of horss five punds threttein shilling Item by the Laird of Grants regiment of foot one punds Scots Item by the deceast Earle of Marrs regiment of foot Eight punds thrie shilling scots Item by Coll Richard Cuninghame his regiment of foot two pounds Eightein shilling scots Item by the Lord Elphingstoune his troope of horss Fourtein punds sixtein shilling four penies scots Item by Major Stewarts troope Eight shilling Scots Item by the Earle of Annandales troope four punds scots Extending the haill soumes forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the soume of Two hundreth and sixtie one punds thretein shilling one pennie scots and the Committie Finds that the haill articles of the said accompt quherof of the said soume is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years, and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Intituled act for pole money and also of the proclamationes of councill relative therto, and Therfore the Comittie are of opinion that the said soume of two hundreth sixtie one punds thretein shilling one peny scots is to be payed out of the said polemoney and that the said Sir David Carnegie his Lady tenents and servants are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and Finds It suficiently verified and proven in maner forsaid that ther is resting be his majesties forces not upon scots pay to the said Sir David Carnegie and his Lady and ther tenants and servants, The Soumes following Viz By Coll Lauders regiment six punds sixtein shilling Item by Coll Ramsay his regiment the Soume of Twentie two punds seven shilling two penies scots Item by Major Generall Mckay his regiment five punds fiftein shilling scots Item by the Danish regiment five punds four shilling scots, Item by Sir James Lesslies regiment Eightein punds sixtein shilling four penies scots, Item by […] Balverage his regiment six punds scots Extending the haill Soumes forsaids resting by his Majesties forces not upon scots pay to the Soume of sixtie four punds Eightein shilling six penies scots, and it is the Committies opinion that the said soume should be transmitted to his majestie that the may order such Course to be taken for payment therof as he in his Royall Wisdome shall think fitt, And the Committie Finds that ther is resting to the persones forsaids for Corne and Straw to the magizine at Aberdein the Soume of Twentie six punds twelue shillings five penies scots, But In Respect it does not appear to what forces the same was given out Viz Whither to these upon scots pay or to others not upon scots pay Therfore They Remitt to the Councill to take such Course or give such orders anent this soume as they shall find Just as the said report in it self bears The Saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the said report, and Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury To Cause payment be made to the said Sir David Carnegie and his Lady and ther tennants of the soumes found due in the said report be the forces upon scots pay out of the present polemoney and to transmitt the soumes due be the forces not upon scots pay to the kind to the effect mentioned in the report, and superceids to give answers to the Queirie in the report anent corne and Straw furnished to the magazine.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 177v-179r.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 177v-179r.