Warrant, 26 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the twentie Sixth Day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Warrand for transporting Thomas Leister

The Lords of his majesties privie Councell haveing heard a verball representatione made to them by Alexander Braid merchand in Edinburgh and present Stewart and Justiciary of Orknay and Zetland That one Thomas Leyster of Gratham in the Bishuprig of Durham a vessell about Sixtie twns to the road and Harbour of Carstowne in Orknay And did with ane number of armed men Search Severall Scotts Shipps for Counterband goods by vertue of ane Letter of Mart Commissioned from the Lords of the admiralitie of England wherin his own name was not insert But ane Edward Slaneyes And when he was asked how he came to Doe these things within our ports And alsoe make use of ane other mans comissione he told he had ane deputatione from the said Edward Slaney which when produced it seemed to be forged by compareing the Same with Edward Slaneyes Subscriptione to a venditione of ane fourth pairt of the Ship to him Self for all which The said Thomas Leister was putt wnder arreast but not his Ship by the Stewart And the Saids Lords haveing Considered the above representatione made by the Stewart And Likewise from the writes which were produced at the board Doe heirby approve of what the said Alexander Brand Stewart and Justiciary forsaid his Doue in this matter And appoints the said Thomas Leister now wnder a gwaird of two centinells att Kirkwall to be imediatly Delyvered to the Shirreff of Caithnes And from thence wnder a Sufficient gwaird to the next Shirreff And so from ane Shirreff to ane other untill he be delyvered to the magistrats of Edinburgh And appoints them to comitt him prisoner in ther tollbwith untill he answer for what Shall be Laird to his charge in the said mater in maner above represented

Att Edinburgh the twentie Sixth Day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Warrand for transporting Thomas Leister

The Lords of his majesties privie Councell haveing heard a verball representatione made to them by Alexander Braid merchand in Edinburgh and present Stewart and Justiciary of Orknay and Zetland That one Thomas Leyster of Gratham in the Bishuprig of Durham a vessell about Sixtie twns to the road and Harbour of Carstowne in Orknay And did with ane number of armed men Search Severall Scotts Shipps for Counterband goods by vertue of ane Letter of Mart Commissioned from the Lords of the admiralitie of England wherin his own name was not insert But ane Edward Slaneyes And when he was asked how he came to Doe these things within our ports And alsoe make use of ane other mans comissione he told he had ane deputatione from the said Edward Slaney which when produced it seemed to be forged by compareing the Same with Edward Slaneyes Subscriptione to a venditione of ane fourth pairt of the Ship to him Self for all which The said Thomas Leister was putt wnder arreast but not his Ship by the Stewart And the Saids Lords haveing Considered the above representatione made by the Stewart And Likewise from the writes which were produced at the board Doe heirby approve of what the said Alexander Brand Stewart and Justiciary forsaid his Doue in this matter And appoints the said Thomas Leister now wnder a gwaird of two centinells att Kirkwall to be imediatly Delyvered to the Shirreff of Caithnes And from thence wnder a Sufficient gwaird to the next Shirreff And so from ane Shirreff to ane other untill he be delyvered to the magistrats of Edinburgh And appoints them to comitt him prisoner in ther tollbwith untill he answer for what Shall be Laird to his charge in the said mater in maner above represented

1. NRS, PC2/26, 69v-70r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 69v-70r.