Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Shyre of Cromarty

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of their oun number appointed for revising the acomptts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Committie having Considered a Report of the Commissioners of supply within the Shyre of Cromartie proceding upon ane act and Commission granted be the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to them of the date the thretie day of December Jaj vjc nyntie years with ane acomptt Drawen off the said Report They Find that ther are severall articles in the said report and accompt Drawen of the same which2 by the act of parliament anent the polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto are not to be allowed out of the said polemoney And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles and Finding that some of the articles of the said report and accomptt drawen of the same were wrong in the Calcule, Therfore they have made a ryt Calcule of these articles and have stated them as they are no right Calculate And Finding that ther are severall articles stated as resting to the Viscount of Tarbat and his tenents they at the desyre of the Viscount himself did delite all these articles In Respect that the declared that he hade retained the Herth money payable out of his lands for payment of the sumes in these articles and protested if at any time heirafter the said Herthmoney shall be exacted then he shall have a liberty to state and Crave payment of these articles albeit the time for ingiving of accompts be then elapsed seing the same has been once timeously given in and Finds that Conforme to the said Report and accomptt drawen off the same and other accomptts and instructiones produced to and Considered by the Committie That ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay besides the articles refused rejected or post frae as said is to the heritors tennents and others inhabitants within the said shyre of Cromarty The sumes following Viz by Coll Richard Cuninghame his regiment of foot the sum of Thretty four punds fiftein shilling scots Item by Captain Burnet his troop of horss the sum of Fiftie thrie punds nyntein shilling scots Item by My Lord Yester his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth and seven punds four shilling scots Item by my Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot the sum of Thrie hundreth and Fiftein punds fourtein shilling scots Item by Major Stewart his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth and Threttie Eight punds nyne shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of dragoons four punds scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the sum of one hundreth and Eightie four punds six shilling scots Item by Captain Mckay his independent Company of foot the sum of sixtie seven punds four shilling scots, And the Committie Finds it suficiently proven be ane bond under the hand of Major George Wishart then Major to the Lord Strathnavers regiment Bearing expressly to be for the pryce of meall bought for the use of the said regiment dated the Eight day of December Jaj vjc nyntie years That ther is resting by that regiment the sum of one hundreth and nyntie thrie punds ten shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to the saids heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the shyre of Cromarty to the sum of One Thousand Nyntie nyne punds one shilling scots And the Comittie Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last Sum is made up are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Current parliament Intituled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto, And Therfore Its the Committies oppinion that the said sum of One Thousand and nyntie nyne punds one shilling scots Is to be payed out of the said polemoney And that the saids heritors and other inhabitants are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds by the said Report of the Commissioners of Cromarty that ther was furnished by the heritors tenants and other inhabitants forsaids to the magizin at Inverness preceiding the said first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Corne and straw to the value of Thrie hundreth nyntie six punds seven shilling six penies scots And the Committie Leaves to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to determine how this Last sum Is to be payed and out of what fond, as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve of the said report and Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment of the sum of one Thousand and Fourscore nyntein punds one shilling scots to the said inhabitants stated in the report as resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and hat out of the said polemoney And for the sum of Thrie hundreth and nyntie six pund seven shilling six penies scots for Corn and straw given in to the magizin at Inverness Reserves action to the persons forsaids against the magizin keeper as accords in law.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Shyre of Cromarty

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of their oun number appointed for revising the acomptts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Committie having Considered a Report of the Commissioners of supply within the Shyre of Cromartie proceding upon ane act and Commission granted be the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to them of the date the thretie day of December Jaj vjc nyntie years with ane acomptt Drawen off the said Report They Find that ther are severall articles in the said report and accompt Drawen of the same which2 by the act of parliament anent the polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto are not to be allowed out of the said polemoney And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles and Finding that some of the articles of the said report and accomptt drawen of the same were wrong in the Calcule, Therfore they have made a ryt Calcule of these articles and have stated them as they are no right Calculate And Finding that ther are severall articles stated as resting to the Viscount of Tarbat and his tenents they at the desyre of the Viscount himself did delite all these articles In Respect that the declared that he hade retained the Herth money payable out of his lands for payment of the sumes in these articles and protested if at any time heirafter the said Herthmoney shall be exacted then he shall have a liberty to state and Crave payment of these articles albeit the time for ingiving of accompts be then elapsed seing the same has been once timeously given in and Finds that Conforme to the said Report and accomptt drawen off the same and other accomptts and instructiones produced to and Considered by the Committie That ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay besides the articles refused rejected or post frae as said is to the heritors tennents and others inhabitants within the said shyre of Cromarty The sumes following Viz by Coll Richard Cuninghame his regiment of foot the sum of Thretty four punds fiftein shilling scots Item by Captain Burnet his troop of horss the sum of Fiftie thrie punds nyntein shilling scots Item by My Lord Yester his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth and seven punds four shilling scots Item by my Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot the sum of Thrie hundreth and Fiftein punds fourtein shilling scots Item by Major Stewart his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth and Threttie Eight punds nyne shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of dragoons four punds scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the sum of one hundreth and Eightie four punds six shilling scots Item by Captain Mckay his independent Company of foot the sum of sixtie seven punds four shilling scots, And the Committie Finds it suficiently proven be ane bond under the hand of Major George Wishart then Major to the Lord Strathnavers regiment Bearing expressly to be for the pryce of meall bought for the use of the said regiment dated the Eight day of December Jaj vjc nyntie years That ther is resting by that regiment the sum of one hundreth and nyntie thrie punds ten shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to the saids heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the shyre of Cromarty to the sum of One Thousand Nyntie nyne punds one shilling scots And the Comittie Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last Sum is made up are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Current parliament Intituled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto, And Therfore Its the Committies oppinion that the said sum of One Thousand and nyntie nyne punds one shilling scots Is to be payed out of the said polemoney And that the saids heritors and other inhabitants are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds by the said Report of the Commissioners of Cromarty that ther was furnished by the heritors tenants and other inhabitants forsaids to the magizin at Inverness preceiding the said first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Corne and straw to the value of Thrie hundreth nyntie six punds seven shilling six penies scots And the Committie Leaves to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to determine how this Last sum Is to be payed and out of what fond, as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve of the said report and Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment of the sum of one Thousand and Fourscore nyntein punds one shilling scots to the said inhabitants stated in the report as resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and hat out of the said polemoney And for the sum of Thrie hundreth and nyntie six pund seven shilling six penies scots for Corn and straw given in to the magizin at Inverness Reserves action to the persons forsaids against the magizin keeper as accords in law.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 325v-326r.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 325v-326r.

2. Insertion.