Holyrude house thursday the eleventh day of Julie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Act upon Lady Cardross petitione anent the bobie peices and tourners
Anent the petitione given in to his majesties Commissioner and Lords of Privie Councill2 By Katharine Lady Cardross and Sir William Denholme of Westsheills masters of his majesties mint Shewing whereas the said Lords by ther act of the date the […] day of January Last gave warrand to prepare the copper in Blanks ay and whill stamps should be made readie. And it being usuall for the said Lords to appoynt quhat alteratione is needfull to be made upon the Copper money and that the sword and scepter supporting the Croune makes a very good stamp in place of the Cypher upon the two pennie peice There being nothing to be altered upon the sex pennie peice but the Kings head in place of the King and Queens head as lykewise seeing the said petitioner will be exceedingly straitned this year in the makeing of ther Compliment of the Copper Coynadge which by the said Lords act is ordained to be compleat against the first day of October and that only through the want of their stamps and therfore humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione bears.
His majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of his majesties Privie Councill Haveing considered the said petitione given in to them by the said Lady Cardross and Sir William Denholme of Westsheills master of his majesties mint3 They Hereby give ordor and warrand to the officers of the mint to cause make punches and dyes for the babies and Turners and to James Clark Ingraver of the mint, to make the same and to put the sword and scepter supporting the Croune in place of the Cypher of the King and late Queens names upon the turners or two pennie peice and appoynts the Kings head and name and title only to be in place of the King and Queens heads names and Title upon the babie or sex pennie peice and the other syde of both sex pennie and two pennie peices to continow as formerlie and allow’s and gives ordor to the officers of the mint to pass what Copper money is appoynted to be coyned haveing the impressione as above
1. NRS, PC1/50, 212-13.
2. The word ‘Shewing’ scored out here.
3. The phrase ‘To cause make punches and dyes for the bobies and Turners’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 212-13.
2. The word ‘Shewing’ scored out here.
3. The phrase ‘To cause make punches and dyes for the bobies and Turners’ scored out here.