Warrant, 7 March 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh [7 March 1695] Eodem Die Postmeridiem



Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to the North

The Earle of Annandale President for the tyme of his Majesties Privy Councill Haveing acquainted the Lords therof That he had a letter from James Johnstoune Esquire principall Secretarie of State appoynted to be communicat to their Lordships Declareing That it is his majesties pleasure That Master Fordyce the Preist be allowed to goe north his bale continowing and that He bring with him to the Lord Strathmor’s such persones and papers as are necessarie for clearing with the Lord Abboyne his privat affairs which being done That the said Master Fordyce be ship’t for beyond sea’s and that upon the nottice of his landing the Lord Aboyn’s confynement be taken off The Lord Strathmore still continowing bale for his peaceable behaviour which letter being read in presence of the said Lords and taken back by the said Earle of Annandale They doe Hereby allow the said Robert Fordyce to travaill to the north and that He bring with him such persons and papers to the house of Glams or Castle Lyone as are necessarie for clearing with the Earle of Aboyne his privat affairs In respect the said Robert Fordyce hes given bond and found sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall returne to ane or other of the Earle of Strathmore his houses of Glames or Castle Lyone where he shall be resideing for the tyme with the said persons and papers and lykewayes That He shall depairt furth of his Majesties Dominions and ship himself in ordor to his transportatione beyond sea’s betwixt and the fyfteen day of May next to come and that He shall be transported accordingly under the penalty of two hundred pound sterline In case he shall transgress in any part of the premisses and the said Lords Declairs that upon nottice of his landing they will take of the sentence of Confynement pronounced against the said Earle of Aboyne He first giveing bond and finding the said Earle of Strathmore Cautione to live peaceablie under and with all submissione to the present Goverment of his majestie King William and that he shall not act consult nor contryve anything in prejudice thereof nor converse or correspond with any Rebells under the penaltie of ane thousand pound sterling contained in his former bond in case he shall transgress in any part of the premisses

At Edinburgh [7 March 1695] Eodem Die Postmeridiem



Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to the North

The Earle of Annandale President for the tyme of his Majesties Privy Councill Haveing acquainted the Lords therof That he had a letter from James Johnstoune Esquire principall Secretarie of State appoynted to be communicat to their Lordships Declareing That it is his majesties pleasure That Master Fordyce the Preist be allowed to goe north his bale continowing and that He bring with him to the Lord Strathmor’s such persones and papers as are necessarie for clearing with the Lord Abboyne his privat affairs which being done That the said Master Fordyce be ship’t for beyond sea’s and that upon the nottice of his landing the Lord Aboyn’s confynement be taken off The Lord Strathmore still continowing bale for his peaceable behaviour which letter being read in presence of the said Lords and taken back by the said Earle of Annandale They doe Hereby allow the said Robert Fordyce to travaill to the north and that He bring with him such persons and papers to the house of Glams or Castle Lyone as are necessarie for clearing with the Earle of Aboyne his privat affairs In respect the said Robert Fordyce hes given bond and found sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall returne to ane or other of the Earle of Strathmore his houses of Glames or Castle Lyone where he shall be resideing for the tyme with the said persons and papers and lykewayes That He shall depairt furth of his Majesties Dominions and ship himself in ordor to his transportatione beyond sea’s betwixt and the fyfteen day of May next to come and that He shall be transported accordingly under the penalty of two hundred pound sterline In case he shall transgress in any part of the premisses and the said Lords Declairs that upon nottice of his landing they will take of the sentence of Confynement pronounced against the said Earle of Aboyne He first giveing bond and finding the said Earle of Strathmore Cautione to live peaceablie under and with all submissione to the present Goverment of his majestie King William and that he shall not act consult nor contryve anything in prejudice thereof nor converse or correspond with any Rebells under the penaltie of ane thousand pound sterling contained in his former bond in case he shall transgress in any part of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/50, 145-6.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 145-6.