At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie eight day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Proclamatione dischargeing the melting doune of Currant Coynes etc
The proclamatione afterinsert being read approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A Proclamatione dischargeing the melting doune of Currant Coyne, the passing of Cobbs or Clipt money except by weight and the exportatione of money furth of the Kingdome Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years William by the grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith To etc macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctlly and severally specially constitut Greeting Forasmuch as, the melting doune of the species of money current in the Kingdome as Bullione, to be of new coined under the print of our irons, it is not only in itself unnecessary but a visible prejudice to the Common good of the Realme Therfore We with advyse of the Lords of our privy Councill Have thought fitt to ordaine and Hereby Ordains that none presume to melt doune any species of money at present Currant within the Kingdome whether forraigne or not, to be brought to our mint, as Bullion to be of new coined And that the general master of our mint, receive noe such species of money from any persone as bullion to be coined of new: And farder that when any plate or lignets of silver, shall be brought into our mint and presented as Bullione That they first take the presenters and owners oath That the said plate or Lignets are not melted doune and made by themselves or their procurement, directly or indorectly of any of the foresaid species of currant money Certifieing the said generall master and other officers of our mint, That if they failzie in the premisses either by takeing of the foresaid species of currant Coin for bullion, or of any Lignets or other plate without exacting of the foresaid oath and the owner and presenter their purgeing themselves thereby as said is, it shall be reckoned as a malversatione on the part of our said generall master and other officers of the mint importing Tinsall of their respective offices And because that notwithstanding of the proclamatione alreadie emitted anent the passing of english clipt money the foresaid abuse of Clipping as to other species doth still continow Therfore We with advyse foresaid doe Hereby prohibite all Ryalls commonly called Cobbs, and their fractions to pass other wayes then by weight declareing the full weight of the ryall or cobb to be fourteen drop and so furth of their halfs quarters and other fractions, as also that noe clipt money whatsomever pass currant except by weight as said is, that is by it’s true and Lawfull weight, if it were not clipt and that there be noe abuse by melting doune of the said clipt money to be bullion on pretence that it’s clipt and not Currant We doe furder requyr and Command the Generall master and other officers of the Mint to receive noe Lignets pretended to be melted doune of the foresaid light Cobbs or their fractions or other clipt money for bullione, may bring in the same in specie to our mint and noe otherwise Lykeas the foresaid officers of our mint are hereby enjoyned to take tryall, That the said Cobbs and their fractions offered for bullione be light or otherwayes that they doe not receive them and that under the Certificatione abovementioned And because the stock of money of the Kingdome is at present greatly impaird by men’s presumeing to export gold or silver furth of the same contrary to the Lawes and acts of parliament made thereanent Therfore and to the effect none pretend ignorance We with advyce foresaid ordaine the act of parliament Jaj vjc sexty and three intituled act against the Exportatione of money furth of the Kingdome whereof the tenor is hereunto subjoyned to be put to doe and punctuall executione in the whole heads and Clauses thereof with all expeditione and strictness Our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat Crosses of the haill head burghs of the severall shyres and stueartries within this Kingdome And there in our name and authority by open proclamatione make publicatione hereof that none pretend ignorance Given under our Signet At Edinburgh the tuenty eight day of November and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years sic subscribitur Tweddale cancel Southerland Forfar Tarbat Carmichaell James Stueart Adam Cockburne W Anstruther Archibald Murray
1. NRS, PC1/50, 272-3.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 272-3.