Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of Irvin of Murthill

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Committie haveing Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to Alexander Irvine of Murthill within the shyre of Aberdein with the instructiones and verificationes of the saids accompts They Find that this accompt Is by and attour and no part of the accompts given in as resting to the inhabitants of the said shyre of Aberdeen in generall And the Committie Finds the haill articles of the said accompt given in be the said Alexander Irvine suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and Depositiones both of the partie and also of famous witnesses taken before the Commissioners of supply within the said shyre of Aberdeen Conforme to the Commissioners report produced to and Considered be the said Committie and the Committie do represent to the Lords of privy Councill That albeit the Corne in the Compts be stated as furnished severall troops therinmentioned yet it is their oppinion the same has been partly eatten and partly destroyed by the troops whill they were feeding amongst it And Therfore that the wholl pryce of the Corne Is not to be allowed But that ther is to be allowed five shillings scots per night for each horss so long as they wer amongst the saids Cornes And the Committie Finds that reckoning Fiftie horss in each troop for officers troopers servants and followers and each horss at five shillings as said is Ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay afternamed to the said Alexander Irvine of Murthill the soumes following viz be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of five hundreth and thriescore ten punds Item by the Master of Forbes his troop of horss the soume of Thriescore fiftein punds scots Item by the Laird of Edinglassie his troop of horss the soume of thriescore fiftein punds scots Item by Captain Burnet his troop of horss twelue pund ten shilling scots Item be the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the soume of thriescore two punds ten shilling scots Item be the Master of Polwarth his troop of horss the soume of Thriescore two punds ten shilling scots Extending the saids haill soumes to the soume of Eight hundreth and fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots And the Committie finds that the haill articles quherof this Last Soumes is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Intituled act for polemoney and alse of the proclamatione of Councill relative therto And Therfore Its the Committies oppinion that the said soume of Eight hundreth fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots Is to be payed out of the said polemoney And that the saids Alexander Irvine of Murthill Is to be Recomended to the Lords Comissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Committie Finds that ther are severall baggage horsses stated in the accomptts But it is ther oppinion that what was furnished to them is not to come and of the polemoney And Therfore they have rejected that part of the accompt Which relates to the saids baggage horsses and have stated nothing for them as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve therof And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney to Cause pay to the said Alexander Irvine the above soume of Eight hundreth and fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay and that out of the said polemoney.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of Irvin of Murthill

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Committie haveing Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to Alexander Irvine of Murthill within the shyre of Aberdein with the instructiones and verificationes of the saids accompts They Find that this accompt Is by and attour and no part of the accompts given in as resting to the inhabitants of the said shyre of Aberdeen in generall And the Committie Finds the haill articles of the said accompt given in be the said Alexander Irvine suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and Depositiones both of the partie and also of famous witnesses taken before the Commissioners of supply within the said shyre of Aberdeen Conforme to the Commissioners report produced to and Considered be the said Committie and the Committie do represent to the Lords of privy Councill That albeit the Corne in the Compts be stated as furnished severall troops therinmentioned yet it is their oppinion the same has been partly eatten and partly destroyed by the troops whill they were feeding amongst it And Therfore that the wholl pryce of the Corne Is not to be allowed But that ther is to be allowed five shillings scots per night for each horss so long as they wer amongst the saids Cornes And the Committie Finds that reckoning Fiftie horss in each troop for officers troopers servants and followers and each horss at five shillings as said is Ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay afternamed to the said Alexander Irvine of Murthill the soumes following viz be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of five hundreth and thriescore ten punds Item by the Master of Forbes his troop of horss the soume of Thriescore fiftein punds scots Item by the Laird of Edinglassie his troop of horss the soume of thriescore fiftein punds scots Item by Captain Burnet his troop of horss twelue pund ten shilling scots Item be the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the soume of thriescore two punds ten shilling scots Item be the Master of Polwarth his troop of horss the soume of Thriescore two punds ten shilling scots Extending the saids haill soumes to the soume of Eight hundreth and fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots And the Committie finds that the haill articles quherof this Last Soumes is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Intituled act for polemoney and alse of the proclamatione of Councill relative therto And Therfore Its the Committies oppinion that the said soume of Eight hundreth fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots Is to be payed out of the said polemoney And that the saids Alexander Irvine of Murthill Is to be Recomended to the Lords Comissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Committie Finds that ther are severall baggage horsses stated in the accomptts But it is ther oppinion that what was furnished to them is not to come and of the polemoney And Therfore they have rejected that part of the accompt Which relates to the saids baggage horsses and have stated nothing for them as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve therof And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney to Cause pay to the said Alexander Irvine the above soume of Eight hundreth and fiftie seven punds ten shilling scots as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay and that out of the said polemoney.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 313r-313v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 313r-313v.