Edinburgh Thursday the 8th August 1695
Act The Earle of Southerland for the aliment of the Viscountess of Arbuthnot
Forasmuchas The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill by ther act of the date the twelth day of march last by past Have modified the Sum of Two Thousand pounds Scots money to be payed to Lady Anna Southerland Viscountess of Arbuthnot be the Chamberlands and tenents of the estate of Arbuthnot for aliementing of her Six severall Cheldreen besides the heir Commenceing from the terme of Mertimiss Jaj vic nyntie four years and appoints the samen to Continue so long as the Cheldrein are allowed to remaine in family with her and ordaines the first termes payment to be at Whitsunday Jaj vic and Nyntie five years and so furth yearly at two termes in the year Whitsunday and Mertimiss be equall portions dureing the space for said, And the saids Lords of privy Councill Considering that the said Viscountess of Arbuthnot Is since the makeing of the said act deceased Therfore They Ordaine the said aliement for the Whitsundayes terme therof to be payed to the Earle of Southerland father to the deceast Viscountess and Grandfather to the saids Cheldreen as executer to the said deceast Viscountess And the aliement for the mertimiss terme to be payed to the said Earle as he who hath now with Consent of freinds the keeping of the saids Childreen And Ordaines letters of horning on Six dayes and others needfull under the signet of Councill to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 14v-15r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 14v-15r.