Warrant, 7 March 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh The seventh day of March Jaj vjc nyntyn and fyve years



Warrand for pass to Lord Glasfoords sone

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill doe hereby Recommend to the Earle of Annandale their president for the tyme To signe a pass to Francis Lord Semple sone to Francis Lord Glasfoord for travelling through any of his Majesties three Dominions with his three servants He first giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of Privie Councill That He shall not goe abroad To any popish Countrey nor carrie a popish Governour alongst with him in his travelling through his majesties Dominions or elsewhere under the penalty of fyve Hundred pound sterling in case He shall transgress in any part of the premisses and allows their Clerks to receive the said Francis Lord Glasfoord as Cautioner for his said sone

At Edinburgh The seventh day of March Jaj vjc nyntyn and fyve years



Warrand for pass to Lord Glasfoords sone

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill doe hereby Recommend to the Earle of Annandale their president for the tyme To signe a pass to Francis Lord Semple sone to Francis Lord Glasfoord for travelling through any of his Majesties three Dominions with his three servants He first giving bond and finding sufficient Cautione acted in the books of Privie Councill That He shall not goe abroad To any popish Countrey nor carrie a popish Governour alongst with him in his travelling through his majesties Dominions or elsewhere under the penalty of fyve Hundred pound sterling in case He shall transgress in any part of the premisses and allows their Clerks to receive the said Francis Lord Glasfoord as Cautioner for his said sone

1. NRS, PC1/50, 143.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 143.