Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The toune of Glasgow additionall

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered two severall bonds given in to them as resting be John Lord Beilhaven to the provest baillies dean of Gild Thesaurer and toune Councill of Glasgow the one Containing the Soume of seventie seven punds sterling dated the tenth of February Jaj vjc nyntie years the other Containeing the soume of fourtie five punds sterling dated the second day of June the said year both bearing expressly for the use and behoove of the troop of horss Comanded by the Lord Beilhaven and Containeing annualrent and expenses They Find that neither of the saids soumes are Contained in the accompts formerly given in and revised as resting be his majesties forces are Contained in the accompts formerly given in and revised as resting be his majesties forces to the toune of Glasgow and approven by the privy Councill Conforme to the act dated the day of […] Jaj vjc nyntie […] years and Finds that the soumes in the bonds are furnished preceiding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto, And Therfore It is ther oppinion That albeit the be no annualrent or expences to be allowed for the saids principall soumes seing the kings majesties is not Lyable in such to his forces for ther pay arreirs yet that the principall soumes in these two bonds Extending both togither to the soume of ane thousand four hundreth thriescore four punds scots money Is to be payed to the saids provest baillis Dean of Gild, Thesaurer and toun Councill of Glassgow out of the present polemoney and that they are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties theasaury for payment of the same accordingly as the said report bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the above report And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment to the saids magistrats of Glasgow the above soume of ane Thousand four hundreth thriescore four punds resting be the said Lord Beilhaven to them and that out of the said polemoney.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The toune of Glasgow additionall

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered two severall bonds given in to them as resting be John Lord Beilhaven to the provest baillies dean of Gild Thesaurer and toune Councill of Glasgow the one Containing the Soume of seventie seven punds sterling dated the tenth of February Jaj vjc nyntie years the other Containeing the soume of fourtie five punds sterling dated the second day of June the said year both bearing expressly for the use and behoove of the troop of horss Comanded by the Lord Beilhaven and Containeing annualrent and expenses They Find that neither of the saids soumes are Contained in the accompts formerly given in and revised as resting be his majesties forces are Contained in the accompts formerly given in and revised as resting be his majesties forces to the toune of Glasgow and approven by the privy Councill Conforme to the act dated the day of […] Jaj vjc nyntie […] years and Finds that the soumes in the bonds are furnished preceiding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Current parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto, And Therfore It is ther oppinion That albeit the be no annualrent or expences to be allowed for the saids principall soumes seing the kings majesties is not Lyable in such to his forces for ther pay arreirs yet that the principall soumes in these two bonds Extending both togither to the soume of ane thousand four hundreth thriescore four punds scots money Is to be payed to the saids provest baillis Dean of Gild, Thesaurer and toun Councill of Glassgow out of the present polemoney and that they are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties theasaury for payment of the same accordingly as the said report bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the above report And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment to the saids magistrats of Glasgow the above soume of ane Thousand four hundreth thriescore four punds resting be the said Lord Beilhaven to them and that out of the said polemoney.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 313v-314r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 313v-314r.