Edinburgh The Threttie one day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years
Act Alexander Southerland
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Alexander Southerland of Scairnslate Shewing That quher the petitioner being advertised by the saids Lords proclamatione to furnish a proportion of the late Levies In obedience to which act and proclamatione the petitioner brought allong with him thrie sufficient men whom he presented to the officer appoynted to receive the Levies in Caithnes and desired the officers to make Choise of any of the thrie men presented as being the proportion to which the petitioner was Lyable, But the officer either slighted or at least neglected to receve the man after the petitioner hade presented him for that effect, and the petitioner fearing that he might be given up as a deficient and therby made Lyable to the penalty contained in the proclamatione The petitioner adressed himself to Livd Murray and his serjant and presented to them a suficient man able to Cary armes in their Majesties Service and protested that he might be no furder Lyable as appears by ane protestatione and ane instrument therwith produced, notwithstanding quherof that the petitioner hade performed all that by your Lordships act and proclamationes he was oblidged to and that the men presented2 by the petitioner was severall hours in the Custody and keeping of the officer yet the petitioner Contrair to all Justice Is given up as deficient and fearing that some advantage may be taken of the petitioner Is necessitate trouble ther Lordships with this representatione Wherby Its evident and Clearly proven by the two protestationes and instruments produced that the petitioner was nowayes deficient and it was likewayes nottour to the Earle of Broadalbine how that the prison in which the Levies were secured was brock open and the Earles baillie beat in defending the prisone and the man suffered to escape And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords Discharge all officers messengers and others from troubling or molesting the petitioner upon the accompt of deficiencie and from puting any letters of horning poynding or other dilligence in executione against the petitioner on the forsaid accompt Especially seing the petitioner gave obedience to the saids Lords acts and performed all that any man Could doe as appears by the two protestationes and instruments therwith produced as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petitione with the Report of the Earle of Broadalbine to whom it was Remitted, They heirby Remitt to the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre wher the petitioner Lives to doe in the matter as they shall find Just according to Law.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 167v-168v.
2. The word ‘was’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 167v-168v.
2. The word ‘was’ scored out here.