[7 March 1695] Eodem die Post Meridiem
Recomendation Douglass of Lumsden
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Archibald Douglass late of Lumsdean now under paine of ane universall palsie with wife and six Cheldrein Shewing That the poor distressed petitioner hade Fourtie punds sterling payed him yearly out of the exchequer for his good service and Loyaltie which was restricted six years agoe to ten punds sterling albeit his great necessity and his poor familly was ten times greater since the said restrictione, That then punds cannot mantaine himself in his infirmitie and sicknes at sixtie six years of age who Lives and his numerous young familly in a deplorable and sterving Conditione cannot gett fyre to warme them nor the sick petitioner who Cannot ryss from his bed untill it be made and all of them naked sterving with Cold and hunger in this vehement Cold winter who was run out of ane estate of five thousand merks yearly by meer advantages and oppressione of severall persones against the distrest petitioner who hade no understanding of his affairs in law being altogither simple and now the petitioner in his great sicknes old age want and misserie with a wyfe and numberous familly has nothing to succor ther Lifes from sterving But only the said fyve punds Sterling which Cannot weell mantaine the poor petitioner himself in his deplorable dying Conditione in missery and want And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased in the Bowells of Compassione To Comisserat the poor distrest petitioner and his poor familly in their Deplorable Circumstances and for the Love of the Lord almightie grant to them such a Competent augmentatione yearly to be payed them for ther subsistance and preserving their Lives as the saids Lords thinks good and needfull as the saids Lords thinks good and needfull for them either out of the Bishops rents or vaccand stipends as the said petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Captain Douglass read in their presence They heirby Recomend to the Lords Comissioners of his Majesties thesaurie To Consider the said petition and the grounds of restricting the aliement formerly allowed to the petitioner with the petitioner and his famillies present Circumstances and to allow him such aliement as they shall find Competent for Supplying his necessities.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 198r-198v.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 198r-198v.