Letter: royal, 16 May 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Holyrudehouse thursday the sexteenth day of may Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter frae the King allowing a moneth farder to recruit the standing Regiments

The Letter afterinsert direct from his majestie to the Councill being read was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and welbeloved Councillors and trustie and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well we have considered the petitione of the officers of our Regiments in that our ancient Kingdome transmitted by you to us and it is our will and pleasure That they be allowed lykeas we doe by these presents allow them one moneth more over and above the tyme alreadie allowed them for recruiting their Regiments and we doe expect that against that tyme they shall have their Regiments full so we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the tuentie seventh day of Apryle 1695 and of our Reigne the 7th year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Johnstoune

At Holyrudehouse thursday the sexteenth day of may Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter frae the King allowing a moneth farder to recruit the standing Regiments

The Letter afterinsert direct from his majestie to the Councill being read was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and welbeloved Councillors and trustie and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well we have considered the petitione of the officers of our Regiments in that our ancient Kingdome transmitted by you to us and it is our will and pleasure That they be allowed lykeas we doe by these presents allow them one moneth more over and above the tyme alreadie allowed them for recruiting their Regiments and we doe expect that against that tyme they shall have their Regiments full so we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the tuentie seventh day of Apryle 1695 and of our Reigne the 7th year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Johnstoune

1. NRS, PC1/50, 180.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 180.