At Edinburgh tuesday the tenth day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Letter: royal
Kings Letter anent Recruits of foot and Dragoons and the Levie of ane thousand men
The following Letter being read was ordered to be recorded and allowes ane exact coppie to be given to Collonell Buchane who oversees the recruits follows the tenor of the Letter sic suprascribitur William Rex Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Councilllor and trusty and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well Whereas we are informed That our Scotish Regiments of foot in Flanders stand in need of near two Thousand Recruits and it being both for the good of our service and the Honour of that our Kingdome That our said Regiments be tymeously and fully recruited and we Haveing in ordor to the same sent a Considerable number of officers from Flanders We doe therfore requyre you in the first place To give orders to the Commander in Cheiff of our Forces for the tyme to cause make a draught out of our fyve Regiments of foot in that our Kingdome of 1332 good and sufficient men, That is 292 out of Collonell Hills Regiment and 260 out of each of the other 4 Regiments which draught of 1332 men is to be made in the presence of the Lord George Hamilton Brigadeer in our Army and Collonell of our Royall Regiment or of Coll John Buchan quhom we Have intrusted with that affaire; and that noe tyme be Lost The said draught is to be made with such dispatch as that the men may be ready to be imbarqued against the first of January next preceisly The said number of 1332 being first divyded and delyvered by the directions of the said Lord George or Coll Buchan to our officers from Flanders in the maner following That is 1000 of them to the officers of these sex Regiments that served at Namure To witt To the officers of one Battallion of the Guards, of one of the Royall Regiments, of Collonell Maitlands Regiment, Coll Lauders, Coll Mackays and Colonell Buchans by equall Portiones and the remaining three Hundred and thretty two men are in the same manner to be divyded and delyvered to the officers of the Regiments Latly belonging to D’Offerrell and Sir Charles Grahame now Commanded by Collonell Robert Mackay and Collonell Walter Collier of quhich thretteen Hundred and thretty two men our officers from Flanders shall pay to our officers in Scotland at the receiveing of them tuenty shilling sterline for each man of one thousand of them and thretty shillings for each man of the remaining 332. And for makeing up of the necessary Complement of recruits It is our further pleasure That ye allow our officers from Flanders to beat drums for raiseing what more men they want and that in this you give them all due encouragement and assistance and as to the Regiments at Home It is our pleasure That ye give the necessary ordors for makeing the Levey of 1000 men granted to us by the Late act of parliament; Which men are to be delyvered by the Countrey to the officers at Home a moneth after they shall have delyvered the other thousand to the officers from Flanders The pay of quhich moneth we allow to these officers at Home for reimburseing them of threttein shillings and fourpence which they must give the Countrey with the tuenty shillings they get from the Flanders officers to make up the tuenty pound scots allowed by act of parliament for each man And the said thousand men are to be divyded and delyvered by equall portions to the officers of our said fyve Regiments that is two hundred to each Regiment And so soone as our officers from Flanders have got their full number of Recruits, and noe sooner you are to allow the officers of our Regiments at home to beat drums for the raiseing the three Hundred and thretty two men or what more they shall want For the doeing of which we give two moneths from the tyme that the Last recruits for Flanders shall be imbarqued And we doe Lykewayes requyre you to give ordors to the Commander in Cheiff for makeing a draught of one Hundred men that is fifty out of each of the Two Regiments of Dragoons with you for recruiting our two scots regiments of Dragoons in Flanders which Hundred men are to be delyvered to the officers from Flanders of the said Regiments against the first day of Januarie next And so recommending this whole affair to your particular Care we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the third day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years and of our Reigne the seventh year By his Majesties Comand sic subscribitur J Johnstoune.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 288-9.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 288-9.