Act, 7 March 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[7 March 1695] Eodem die Post Meridiem



Act Nathaniall Gordon of Gordonstoune

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Nathaniall Gordon of Gordonstoune Shewing That upon ane Complaint given in to the saids be Rachell Gordon and the other airs of Lyne of the deceast James Gordon of Carletoune against the petitioner his air male, In obedience to the saids Lords sentance he did exhibit in the Clerks of Councill ther hands the wholl wrytes and evidents of and Concerning the estate of Carletoune which were in his Custody particularly many discharges of debts and annualrents therof and Compt books, Wher the samen have Lyen sequestrat these severall years and now the samen are to the petitioners apparent Loss and prejudice, keeped up from him Ther being severall processes intented and depending at the instance of severall persones against him as air male to the said James Gordone for debts quherof ther are Discharges amongst the saids wrytes, Exhibit as said is, and particularly one at the instance of George Fullertoune of Dreghorne assigney to many debts from the pretended Creditors of the said deceast James Gordon wherupon he hath led ane adjudication and is now insisting for maills and duties and another at the instance of Gabriall Alisone of Dunjop pretended pupill to the said deceast James Gordon and Mr George Rome writer in Edinburgh his assigney of Compt and reckoning against the petitioner as representing the said James Gordone his alledged tutor And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to their Consideratione how that the petitioner is in danger of being greatly prejudged be the want of the saids wrytes, and to Grant Warrand to the saids Lords Clerks To give up to the petitioner all Discharges recepts Compt books and other wrytes which may Clear the payment of any debts due be the said deceast James Gordone or which are relative therto, and that upon Inventar and the petitioner granting his obleidgment to returne the Samen within ane Competent time as the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Nathaniall Gordone which by the former interloquitor was allowed to be seen and answered by any persones Concerned and Copies therof appoynted to be affixt upon the wall of the outter roome of privy Councill and upon the door of the Turnpick foot which was done accordingly, and finding that non Compeired The saids Lords Doe heirby Give order and Warrand to ther Clerks to delyver up to the petitioner all Discharges recepts Compt books and other wrytes which may Clear the payment of any debts due to the above deceast James Gordone or which are relative therto and that upon inventar and recept of the same, In Respect the petitioner has granted bond and found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall returne the same betwixt and the first day of march Jaj vjc nyntie six years Under the penalty of ane Thousand merks scots By and attour fullfilling the premisses

[7 March 1695] Eodem die Post Meridiem



Act Nathaniall Gordon of Gordonstoune

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Nathaniall Gordon of Gordonstoune Shewing That upon ane Complaint given in to the saids be Rachell Gordon and the other airs of Lyne of the deceast James Gordon of Carletoune against the petitioner his air male, In obedience to the saids Lords sentance he did exhibit in the Clerks of Councill ther hands the wholl wrytes and evidents of and Concerning the estate of Carletoune which were in his Custody particularly many discharges of debts and annualrents therof and Compt books, Wher the samen have Lyen sequestrat these severall years and now the samen are to the petitioners apparent Loss and prejudice, keeped up from him Ther being severall processes intented and depending at the instance of severall persones against him as air male to the said James Gordone for debts quherof ther are Discharges amongst the saids wrytes, Exhibit as said is, and particularly one at the instance of George Fullertoune of Dreghorne assigney to many debts from the pretended Creditors of the said deceast James Gordon wherupon he hath led ane adjudication and is now insisting for maills and duties and another at the instance of Gabriall Alisone of Dunjop pretended pupill to the said deceast James Gordon and Mr George Rome writer in Edinburgh his assigney of Compt and reckoning against the petitioner as representing the said James Gordone his alledged tutor And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to their Consideratione how that the petitioner is in danger of being greatly prejudged be the want of the saids wrytes, and to Grant Warrand to the saids Lords Clerks To give up to the petitioner all Discharges recepts Compt books and other wrytes which may Clear the payment of any debts due be the said deceast James Gordone or which are relative therto, and that upon Inventar and the petitioner granting his obleidgment to returne the Samen within ane Competent time as the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Nathaniall Gordone which by the former interloquitor was allowed to be seen and answered by any persones Concerned and Copies therof appoynted to be affixt upon the wall of the outter roome of privy Councill and upon the door of the Turnpick foot which was done accordingly, and finding that non Compeired The saids Lords Doe heirby Give order and Warrand to ther Clerks to delyver up to the petitioner all Discharges recepts Compt books and other wrytes which may Clear the payment of any debts due to the above deceast James Gordone or which are relative therto and that upon inventar and recept of the same, In Respect the petitioner has granted bond and found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill that he shall returne the same betwixt and the first day of march Jaj vjc nyntie six years Under the penalty of ane Thousand merks scots By and attour fullfilling the premisses

1. NRS, PC2/25, 200v-201v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 200v-201v.