Act, 28 November 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie eight day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act takeing of the Viscount Stormonth’s confynement

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by David Viscount of Stormont Shewing that where the petitioner being formerly under baille To appear before the said Lords when called for and in May Jaj vjc nynty and three years He did appear and was confyned and hes so continowed ever since to the great prejudice ruine and Loss of his private affaires and particular interests within this Kingdome where his fortune Lyes and his necessar affairs call’s him which by reasone of his Confynment he cannot attend and the said petitioner Haveing alwayes Lived quietly and peaceablie and is content upon the takeing of his confynement so that He may with freedome attend his necessar business To find sufficient Cautione not only to Live peaceablie in tyme comeing but also to appear before the said Lords when called for And therfore Humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione at lenth bears. The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing considered the said petitione given in to them by the said Viscount of Stormont They Hereby allow the said petitioner To repaire to the City of Edinburgh or anywhere else within this Kingdome for attending his necessary affaires untill the first day of march next inclusive. And takes of his confynement untill that tyme In respect He hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall in the meantyme live peaceablie under and with all submissione to the present Government of his majestie King William and that He shall not act consult or contryve any thing in prejudice Hereof nor shall not converse nor correspond with any Rebells and that he shall apear before the said Lords of privy Councill when called for betwixt and the said day and that at the said first day of March next He shall repair to his house at Skoone and shall remaine confyned thereat and two myles about the same on that syde of the water of Tay and not goe without the bounds of his confynement and that He shall live peaceably in the tearmes foresaid and shall appear before the said Lords of privy Councill when called for or requyred under the penalty of one thousand fyve Hundred pound sterline in case He shall transgress in any part of the premisses

At Edinburgh thursday the tuentie eight day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act takeing of the Viscount Stormonth’s confynement

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by David Viscount of Stormont Shewing that where the petitioner being formerly under baille To appear before the said Lords when called for and in May Jaj vjc nynty and three years He did appear and was confyned and hes so continowed ever since to the great prejudice ruine and Loss of his private affaires and particular interests within this Kingdome where his fortune Lyes and his necessar affairs call’s him which by reasone of his Confynment he cannot attend and the said petitioner Haveing alwayes Lived quietly and peaceablie and is content upon the takeing of his confynement so that He may with freedome attend his necessar business To find sufficient Cautione not only to Live peaceablie in tyme comeing but also to appear before the said Lords when called for And therfore Humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione at lenth bears. The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing considered the said petitione given in to them by the said Viscount of Stormont They Hereby allow the said petitioner To repaire to the City of Edinburgh or anywhere else within this Kingdome for attending his necessary affaires untill the first day of march next inclusive. And takes of his confynement untill that tyme In respect He hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That He shall in the meantyme live peaceablie under and with all submissione to the present Government of his majestie King William and that He shall not act consult or contryve any thing in prejudice Hereof nor shall not converse nor correspond with any Rebells and that he shall apear before the said Lords of privy Councill when called for betwixt and the said day and that at the said first day of March next He shall repair to his house at Skoone and shall remaine confyned thereat and two myles about the same on that syde of the water of Tay and not goe without the bounds of his confynement and that He shall live peaceably in the tearmes foresaid and shall appear before the said Lords of privy Councill when called for or requyred under the penalty of one thousand fyve Hundred pound sterline in case He shall transgress in any part of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/50, 277-8.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 277-8.