At Edinburgh the tuenty fourth day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve
[Earl of Breadalbane’s position on the council]
The Councillors as they are above set doune haveing mett before entering upon business my Lord Chancellour moved That He perceiveing the Lord Breadalbane present at the Councill board (2who as is understood to the whole board is indicted of high Treasone before the parliament It was worthy the Councills consideratione if the Earle of Breadalbane could sitt as a privie Councillor unless the Cryme He stands indicted of were remitted And that it was his Lordships oppinion since He knew of noe Remissione but only a warrand for the Earle of Breadalbanes Liberatione That therfore He could not Sitt as a privie Councillor or if the Earle would Sitt my Lord Chancellor thought it inconsistent with the Trust of his Statione to continow his presence and this business haveing been for some tyme spoak too by many members The Earle of Breadalbane did at lenth produce a Signature of his Majesties remissione to pass the great seall and the same being read in Councill but did not pass the Sealls my Lord Chancellor adjourned the Councill till Thursday next at three in the aftemoone3 Betwixt and which tyme the Remissione may be expeed and pass the sealls.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 302-3.
2. Closing bracket missing.
3. The word ‘by’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 302-3.
2. Closing bracket missing.
3. The word ‘by’ scored out here.