At Edinburgh tuesday the tuenty sexth day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Act for Æneas Mcphersone to the Thesaurie
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill by Sir Æneas Mcphersone Advocat Shewing that their Lordships petitioner being in anno Jaj vjc nynty and one years legallie discharged of a Long and tedious imprisonment He did furthwith goe to England and was so unwilling to give the Least offence or ground of suspicione to the Government That he resolved with the first conveniencie to goe to America and Haveing used more then ordinary dilligence to find out some favorable opportunity The said petitioner at lenth entred in contract with a Citizen of London of great quality and substance by which he was to goe to Ponsilvania and Barbadose as Factor to the said Citizen to take possessione in his name of ane Estate of fiftie thousand pound sterline value fell to him in those Countreys by decease of his father and for which by the express conceptione of the foresaid Contract signed sealled and delivered The petitioner had ane Hundred and fifty pound of yearly pensione dureing his aboad and three thousand pound when possest of his Constituents estate by vertue of his ordor But after the petitioner had in all things fitted himself for his voyage and put his goods aboard the good ship called the London The very week the said petitioner was readie to sett saille He was seized and made prisoner by ordor of Sir John Tunchurd upon suspicion of secret practises against the Government and that the said petitioner was goeing to France as was then maliciously suspected by some of his enemies But notwithstanding the foresaid contract was found amongst the petitioners papers the tyme he was seized (which per se was sufficient to evacuat these groundless Calumnies) and that the petitioner Had in Course of Law taken out a habeas corpus yet upon a new representation to the Late Queen (2the King being in Flanders That ther was a lybell of high treasone raised and served against the petitioner in this Countrey at the instance of his majesties advocat The petitioners habeas Corpus bill was stopt and he himself sent prisoner to Scotland aboard one of his majesties ships of warr whereby the said petitioner hes not only endured a long and griveous imprisonment as it was well know’n to the said Lords but is lykewayes disappoynted of a fyne and Creditable opportunity he had to make his fortune and provyde for his numerous familey and therfore humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing considered the said petitione given in to them by the above named Sir Æneas Mcphersone They hereby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie To cause payment be made to the said petitioner of the sum of thretty pound sterline of his majesties Charity as a viatick for transporting himself and his familey to some forraigne Countrey In respect the said petitioner hes inacted himself in the books of privy Councill That he shall depairt furth of his majesties Dominions to some forraigne Countrey how soone soever he shall receive the foresaid money and not returne againe within the same without the King or Councills Licence for that effect
1. NRS, PC1/50, 268-70.
2. Closing bracket missing.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 268-70.
2. Closing bracket missing.