Edinburgh the 25th Jully 1695
Act The Magistrats of Aberdeen anent ther kirk session
Anent The petition given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill be the Magistrats and toune Councill of Aberdeen Shewing That wher by the Constitution and Custome of the burgh the toune of Aberdein hade thrie Ministers in use to preach in Circle in the two kirks belonging to the burgh with the professor of Divinity who preached in the Collodge kirk But now the professor having quyt the Collodge kirk, and Mr Thomas Ramsay a presbyterian minister being lately setled ther as one of the thrie ministers with Mr William Blair and Mr Androw Burnet the other two who also served under Episcopacy and are still dissenters, The Custome is Changed and the Course of their preaching in Circuits is brock and the matter become the more uneasie, Lykas the thrie ministers haveing hade allwayes but one session, The former session that served under Bishops was with them exauthorat and the Commissione of the late generall assembly setled a new sessione in the place but albeit the old session be now Illegall and that the new presbyterian sessione is the only legall and regullar session in the burgh, yet the old session doe still behave as the only kirk sessione and keep up the poors money bands and box and Collect at the Church doors and even when and wher Mr Thomas Ramsay 2 presbyterian minister and his assistants do preach which tho it be a great disorder and such as the petitioners might by themselves rectifie yet for peace sake the petitioners hade hitherto forborne to use ther authoritie Least it might occasion greater disorder And seing the case of the burgh both in respect of the different perswasions of the ministers and usurpation of the old session could only be helped by the interposeing their Lordships authoritie for preventing greater inconveniences upon both hands, And Therfore supplicating to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Which petition being upon the fourth day of June Last Called in presence of his majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill They allowed the above descenting ministers to see and answer the same against the Eightein day of the said moneth and accordingly they having given in answers therto The saids Lords upon the twentie thrid of Jully instant Recomended to a Comittie of their oun number to Consider the said petition and answers given in therto and to endeavor to setle and agree the parties and in case of deficulty to report to the Councill and the Comittie having accordingly mett and made ther report anent the same The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having this day Considered the said petition and answers given in therto as also a petition given in be the saids Discenting ministers this day togither with the report of the said Comittie of their oun number, They heirby Declair That the old kirk session of Aberdeen Which was the session under the Bishops Is not now the legall sessione and that the kirk session. lately Constitute in ther place by the Commission of the late generall assembly Is the only Legall sessione and that Therfore Conforme to the acts of privy Councill The Records of the kirk session utincills of the Church and poors books and money and what else belongs to the kirk sessione should be delivered to the new sessione And that they have the only power of Collecting at the kirk doors and otherwayes for the poor and Ordaines letters to be direct against the old kirk sessione to desist and give up the particulars abovementioned to the new Kirk session.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 307r-308r.
2. Illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 307r-308r.
2. Illegible word scored out here.