Procedure, 2 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh weddensday 2d January 1695



Address by the Councill To his Majestie

The Councill being Called extraordinary upon the dolefull tydings of her majesties death They immediatlie prepared a Comittie to prepare the draught of an adress to his majestie suitable to the deplorable subject and the same being immediatlie Prepared was approver and signed Follows the tenor of the adress May it please your sacred majestie So soon as by your majesties Chancellor and Secretarie for Scotland we had nottice of the deplorable removeall of your Majesties Royall consort, our late Gracious Soveraigne, we could not delay humbly to confess our deep greeff and sorrow for your majesties unexpressible loss and the greiveous stroak that we and all others of your majesties loyall and faithfull people with the whole protestant interest suffer by it It is the Lords doeing, But in this most sad Calamity we bless Almightie God who preserv’s your sacred persone to support us in it, and 2 we most humblie and earnestlie beseech him to continue longe this happiness to us and to all your people and Alleyes and further we doe with all sincerity faithfull affectione and duety resolve and assure your majestie That we will defend, support and mentaine your majesties persone Title and Goverment against all your enemies at home and abroad with our lives and fortunes to the outmost and that we shall be alwayes readie to receive and obey your royall Commands as they shall be signified to us and this most humble address we have recommended to your Chancellor now attending your Royall persone to be presented to your majestie on our behalf but all the submissione affectione and duety that become may it please your sacred majestie your majesties most loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants sic subscribitur Annandale P Argyle Morton Southerland Cassillis Lothian Leven Forfar Breadalbane Tarbat Raith Carmichaell James Stueart Adam Cockburne Franc Montgomrie Lovick Grant Edinburgh 2 January 1695

At Edinburgh weddensday 2d January 1695



Address by the Councill To his Majestie

The Councill being Called extraordinary upon the dolefull tydings of her majesties death They immediatlie prepared a Comittie to prepare the draught of an adress to his majestie suitable to the deplorable subject and the same being immediatlie Prepared was approver and signed Follows the tenor of the adress May it please your sacred majestie So soon as by your majesties Chancellor and Secretarie for Scotland we had nottice of the deplorable removeall of your Majesties Royall consort, our late Gracious Soveraigne, we could not delay humbly to confess our deep greeff and sorrow for your majesties unexpressible loss and the greiveous stroak that we and all others of your majesties loyall and faithfull people with the whole protestant interest suffer by it It is the Lords doeing, But in this most sad Calamity we bless Almightie God who preserv’s your sacred persone to support us in it, and 2 we most humblie and earnestlie beseech him to continue longe this happiness to us and to all your people and Alleyes and further we doe with all sincerity faithfull affectione and duety resolve and assure your majestie That we will defend, support and mentaine your majesties persone Title and Goverment against all your enemies at home and abroad with our lives and fortunes to the outmost and that we shall be alwayes readie to receive and obey your royall Commands as they shall be signified to us and this most humble address we have recommended to your Chancellor now attending your Royall persone to be presented to your majestie on our behalf but all the submissione affectione and duety that become may it please your sacred majestie your majesties most loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants sic subscribitur Annandale P Argyle Morton Southerland Cassillis Lothian Leven Forfar Breadalbane Tarbat Raith Carmichaell James Stueart Adam Cockburne Franc Montgomrie Lovick Grant Edinburgh 2 January 1695

1. NRS, PC1/50, 86-7.

2. The word ‘we’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 86-7.

2. The word ‘we’ scored out here.