Order, 9 July 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Holyrudehouse the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent the Horses of the Army

Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of his majesties forces within the Kingdome Haveing acquainted his majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill That in respect There is now noe Commissarie to provyde for the Horses of the Armie and that the grass is very Scarce by reasone of the present drouth Therfore He hes been necessitate to quarter them by small parties at great distance The said Lords Recomends to the Lords Commissioners Thesaurie To indeavour to Cause provyde his Majesties Horse in Grass the most expedient and convenient way the can and in the meantyme the said Lords approves of what the said Sir Thomas hath done and Recommends to Him to see the present quartering and provisione of the said Horse and to give the necessarie directions to the officers that the Countrey be duely satisfied

Holyrudehouse the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent the Horses of the Army

Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of his majesties forces within the Kingdome Haveing acquainted his majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill That in respect There is now noe Commissarie to provyde for the Horses of the Armie and that the grass is very Scarce by reasone of the present drouth Therfore He hes been necessitate to quarter them by small parties at great distance The said Lords Recomends to the Lords Commissioners Thesaurie To indeavour to Cause provyde his Majesties Horse in Grass the most expedient and convenient way the can and in the meantyme the said Lords approves of what the said Sir Thomas hath done and Recommends to Him to see the present quartering and provisione of the said Horse and to give the necessarie directions to the officers that the Countrey be duely satisfied

1. NRS, PC1/50, 212.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 212.