Edinburgh Thursday the 8th August 1695
Act Mr David Lyon for takeing the oathes
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Mr David Lyon writter to the Signet Shewing That the petitioner being a writter to the Signet did obtaine a Commission from his Majestie in Anno Jaj vic nyntie to be Commisser of Brichen and therafter Resolveing to officiat in person in that office the petitioner did leave Edinburgh in January Jaj vic Nyntie thrie or therabout and when the writters to the Signet and other members of the Collodge of Justice did take the oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the assurance before the Lords of Session as they were appointed by act of parliament The petitioner was then at Brichen attending his office ther and not Judging it absolutly necessary to come to Edinburgh at that time being then doubtfull if ever he should returne to his Imployment ther The petitioner did take the oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the assurance before the Baillies of Brichen in the quality of a nottar only Conforme to the act of Parliament as is reported by them to their Lordships And this being (as it is humbly Conceaved) no wilfull disobedience to the Law Seing the petitioner hade qualified himself not only before their Lordships when he entered to the office of Comissar of Brichen But likewayes therafter before the Baillies as said is It was hoped ther Lordships would yet allow petitioner to take the oath of alledgance and Subscrybe the assurance in the qualitie of a writter to the Signet before one of their number to the effect the petitioner may returne to his Imployment in the Station And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would appoint one of their number to Administrat the oath of alledgance and assurance to the petitioner in the quality of a writter to his majesties Signett to the effect he might returne to his Imployment in that Station Seing ther has been no wilfull disobedience to the Law Comitted by him as said is, as the said petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Mr David Lyon They heirby Give Warrand and Commission to any one of their Lordships number to administrat the oath of alledgance and assurance to the petitioner in the qualitie of a writter to the signet to the effect he may returne to his Imploy in that Station:
The oath of alledgance and assurance taken heiron and Lying among this given in Since Jully 1693: Sig: 72.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 8r-8v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 8r-8v.