At Edinburgh 7th February 1695
James Carrind committed Prisoner
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing heared his Majesties Advocat represent That the Cautioner who stood bound for James Carrind skipper To present him to their Lordships when called had now brought the said James Carrind, to be presented before their Lordships and craved That he might be exonered of his bond of Cautionry whereby he was bound for the said James The said Lords Ordaine the macers of Councill to carry the said James Carrind to prisone there to continue untill he find sufficient Cautione in the tearms of the former bond granted by him and his Cautioner And exoners Patrick Fermer merchant in Edinburgh his former Cautioner and ordaines his bond of Cautionrie to be given up to Him
1. NRS, PC1/50, 120.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 120.