Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Act and Recomendatione the Countess of Marr
The Lords of his majesties privie Councell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the countrie beareing that the comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting to Dam Jean Countess dowager of Marr for meall and uther necessarie provisiones furnished to Major Arthur Forbes of Brux Major to The Earle of Marrs regiment by order of William Maister of Forbes for the use of five companies of the said regiment Garisone in Castle of Killdrummie preceeding the first of Februarie Jaj vic nyntie anye yeirs with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven both be the oathes and depositiones of the persones who delivered the particulars in the accompts And also be the oaths of apprisers And be the Countess of Marr her oun oath taken befor two of the Comissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Aberdeen Conforme to the report of the Comissioners Subscribed be them Which wer all produced to and considered be the said comittie And finds the Soumes resting be the saids accompts to the said Countess of Marr extends to The Soume of Ane Thousand five hundreth and nyn punds threttein Shilling four pennies And it is the comitties opinion that this Soume is to be alloued to the Countess of Marr out of the polemoney And that her Ladieshipe is to be recomended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney for payment of the Same accordinglie The Comittie Judgeing thir accompts to be in the termes of the act of parliament And proclamationes of Counsell As the said report beares The Saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie To cause make payment to The Said Dam Jean Countess of Marr of the Soume of Ane Thousand five hundereth and nyn punds threttein Shilling four pennies Scotts And that out of the said polemoney.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 53r-54r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 53r-54r.