Act, 1 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The first day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act James Goodburgh

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be James Goodburgh in Kennoway and Jean Wishart his spouse Shewing That quher the petitioner haveing in possession the publict Inn, of Kennoway for which he payes a very great rent, And it being very weell known to severall of the saids Lords number that the said Inn Is the Lodging place for passingers betwixt Bruntisland and Dundie and that the persones of best qualitie are very weell accomodate ther And the petitioner apprehending that the Dragoons being to Lodge in and about that place did apply himself to Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall to Liberat him from Lodging any of the dragoons Who very weell knowing how ther Lodging ther would incommod the Leidges, Did Give it under his hand ordering and desyreing them to gett Billetts upon others the place not being straitned for such a small number as were appointed to Lye in and about the said place Notwithstanding of all because of the said Conveniencie of Lodging for the Leidges severall of the said Dragoons have taken possessione of a part of the petitioners said house and stables wherby the petitioner is not in a Condition to accomodate ther majesties leidges who passes the road, and of late a Serjant at his oun hand without any warrand or billet in Captain Drumonds troop (Which troop Lyes in and about Kennoway) has come and taken possessione of the petitioners house since he came over to represent his Conditione to ther Lordships and how that Serjant demains and Caries himself in the petitioners house would appear by ane letter therwith produced which he received this morning from his wife And Therfore Humbly Craving the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther serious Consideratione, and therupon to order all the said Dragoons who are presently in the petitioners house to be removed and to Discharge any in time comeing to quarter or stay at the petitioners house Except they be passing the road as passingers or Strangers as the petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the above petition given in to them be the above James Goodburgh which was read upon the twentie seventh day of December Last but the delyverance theron not being signed The same was read againe this day And the saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven and Lord Carmicheall to speak with the Lord Jedburgh Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces within this kingdome That the petitioners familly be not oppressed with the quartering of Dragoons or ther horses upon them to the prejudice and incommodating of Strangers, Noblemen, Gentlemen and others travelling upon that road who may quarter at the said house.

Edinburgh The first day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years



Act James Goodburgh

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be James Goodburgh in Kennoway and Jean Wishart his spouse Shewing That quher the petitioner haveing in possession the publict Inn, of Kennoway for which he payes a very great rent, And it being very weell known to severall of the saids Lords number that the said Inn Is the Lodging place for passingers betwixt Bruntisland and Dundie and that the persones of best qualitie are very weell accomodate ther And the petitioner apprehending that the Dragoons being to Lodge in and about that place did apply himself to Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall to Liberat him from Lodging any of the dragoons Who very weell knowing how ther Lodging ther would incommod the Leidges, Did Give it under his hand ordering and desyreing them to gett Billetts upon others the place not being straitned for such a small number as were appointed to Lye in and about the said place Notwithstanding of all because of the said Conveniencie of Lodging for the Leidges severall of the said Dragoons have taken possessione of a part of the petitioners said house and stables wherby the petitioner is not in a Condition to accomodate ther majesties leidges who passes the road, and of late a Serjant at his oun hand without any warrand or billet in Captain Drumonds troop (Which troop Lyes in and about Kennoway) has come and taken possessione of the petitioners house since he came over to represent his Conditione to ther Lordships and how that Serjant demains and Caries himself in the petitioners house would appear by ane letter therwith produced which he received this morning from his wife And Therfore Humbly Craving the saids Lords to take the premisses to ther serious Consideratione, and therupon to order all the said Dragoons who are presently in the petitioners house to be removed and to Discharge any in time comeing to quarter or stay at the petitioners house Except they be passing the road as passingers or Strangers as the petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the above petition given in to them be the above James Goodburgh which was read upon the twentie seventh day of December Last but the delyverance theron not being signed The same was read againe this day And the saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven and Lord Carmicheall to speak with the Lord Jedburgh Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces within this kingdome That the petitioners familly be not oppressed with the quartering of Dragoons or ther horses upon them to the prejudice and incommodating of Strangers, Noblemen, Gentlemen and others travelling upon that road who may quarter at the said house.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 131r-132r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 131r-132r.