Act, 13 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh the thretteen day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act allowing importatione of meall from Ireland.

The following act being read was approven and signed and ordored to be recorded and to be printed and published followeth the tenor of the act At Edinburgh the thretteen day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years The Lords of His Majesties privy Councill understanding by good2 Informatione from the western shyres of this Kingdome That the pryces of the meall there are risen above the rates set doune3 in the act of parliament Jaj vjc seventy and two years intituled act dischargeing the importatione of irish victuall doe therefore in consideratione of the present scaircity in these parts and the distress ensueing upon it and according to the power given to them by the foresaid act, allow the importatione of meall (but of noe other graine) from Ireland4 From any port or part betwixt the mouth of Annan and the Head of Kintire and that for the releiff of the foresaid shyres declareing That this allowance shall only indure from the date hereof to the first day of February exclusive and noe Longer and for that effect suspends all proclamations and Commissions made for restraining the said Importatione, dureing the said tyme and space of permissione, but prejudice alwayes to the prohibitione contained in the foresaid act after the said first day of Februarie inclusive as lykewayes as to all other ports and parts of this Kingdome not Hereby priviledged as if this allowance had not been granted And ordaines these presents to be printed and to be published at the marcat cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull Sic subscribitur Tweddale Can Queensberry Southerland Forfar Yester Tarbat Carmichaell Polwarth James Stueart Adam Cockburne5 Archibald Murray G Campbell

At Edinburgh the thretteen day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act allowing importatione of meall from Ireland.

The following act being read was approven and signed and ordored to be recorded and to be printed and published followeth the tenor of the act At Edinburgh the thretteen day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years The Lords of His Majesties privy Councill understanding by good2 Informatione from the western shyres of this Kingdome That the pryces of the meall there are risen above the rates set doune3 in the act of parliament Jaj vjc seventy and two years intituled act dischargeing the importatione of irish victuall doe therefore in consideratione of the present scaircity in these parts and the distress ensueing upon it and according to the power given to them by the foresaid act, allow the importatione of meall (but of noe other graine) from Ireland4 From any port or part betwixt the mouth of Annan and the Head of Kintire and that for the releiff of the foresaid shyres declareing That this allowance shall only indure from the date hereof to the first day of February exclusive and noe Longer and for that effect suspends all proclamations and Commissions made for restraining the said Importatione, dureing the said tyme and space of permissione, but prejudice alwayes to the prohibitione contained in the foresaid act after the said first day of Februarie inclusive as lykewayes as to all other ports and parts of this Kingdome not Hereby priviledged as if this allowance had not been granted And ordaines these presents to be printed and to be published at the marcat cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull Sic subscribitur Tweddale Can Queensberry Southerland Forfar Yester Tarbat Carmichaell Polwarth James Stueart Adam Cockburne5 Archibald Murray G Campbell

1. NRS, PC1/50, 293.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘by’ scored out here.

4. The word ‘To’ scored out here.

5. The word ‘Jo’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 293.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘by’ scored out here.

4. The word ‘To’ scored out here.

5. The word ‘Jo’ scored out here.