Warrant, 27 March 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh weddensday the tuenty and seventh day of March Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Warrand Lord Register to subscryve a lybell before the parliament against persones in France

The Lord Advocat haveing acquainted the Councill That Sir James Oglivie hes wrote to him That it’s his majesties pleasure That such persones as are in France contraire to the Late act of parliament should be processed before the next ensueing sessione of parliament and the Letter being read The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby recommend to the Viscount of Tarbat Lord Clerk Register to subscryve a lybell and indictment to be insisted in before the next ensueing sessione of parliament at the instance of Sir James Stueart his majesties Advocat against such persones as shall be given in, in list subscryved under his hand as being or haveing been in France contraire to the late acts of parliament made theranent and Grants warrand to the Director of the Chancellarie and his deputs to wryte the said lybell or summonds in the ordinary forme and maner and Appoynts the keeper of the quarter seall to append the same thereto. For which this shall be to all concerned a sufficient warrand

At Edinburgh weddensday the tuenty and seventh day of March Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Warrand Lord Register to subscryve a lybell before the parliament against persones in France

The Lord Advocat haveing acquainted the Councill That Sir James Oglivie hes wrote to him That it’s his majesties pleasure That such persones as are in France contraire to the Late act of parliament should be processed before the next ensueing sessione of parliament and the Letter being read The Lords of his majesties privie Councill doe Hereby recommend to the Viscount of Tarbat Lord Clerk Register to subscryve a lybell and indictment to be insisted in before the next ensueing sessione of parliament at the instance of Sir James Stueart his majesties Advocat against such persones as shall be given in, in list subscryved under his hand as being or haveing been in France contraire to the late acts of parliament made theranent and Grants warrand to the Director of the Chancellarie and his deputs to wryte the said lybell or summonds in the ordinary forme and maner and Appoynts the keeper of the quarter seall to append the same thereto. For which this shall be to all concerned a sufficient warrand

1. NRS, PC1/50, 161.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 161.