Edinburgh Frayday the 12th Jully 1695 Called Extraordinary
Act Margaret Scot relict of George Grahame
Anent the petition given in to2 His majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill be Margret Scot relict of the deceast George Graham in Hagtoune lately murdered Shewing That quher the petitioners deceast husband haveing been Imployed for uplifting and ingathering his majesties customes upon the borders and haveing likewayes been a Constable on the English side fell under the malice and deadly hatred of one John Lenox for Watching over and preventing his studied Impazelling of his Majesties Customes, and Likewayes for discovering of great evidences and presumptiones that he and his accomplices hade Committed a robbery upon John Hay Collector at Alisonbank by breaking open his house, And Carieing away what of his majesties duty was ther in Cash and likewayes severall goods and geir and gold and money belonging to the said John Hay himself in resentment and reveing of this Faithfullnes and dutie in the petitioners husband the said John Lenox did assault and attacque the petitioners husband upon the high way in the night time and having watched and way laid him for that effect he therwith assistance of Robert Lenox his brother stobed him severall times throw the body with a small sword and left him dead upon the spott which being found a murder by the Corroners Jure the petitioner and her freinds used all dilligence for discovering of and seazing of the murderer and at last John Lenox being made out to be the man upon the examination of his father brother and sister and severall other persones Living upon the scots side of the border hefted to Ireland for the amen wher being pursued and Discovered by the petitioner and her freinds he was seized upon in that kingdome and transported from thence to the Goall of Carlyll wher he now Lyes prisoner Conforme to ane order and warrand from the Lords Justices and Generall governors of Ireland and ane Certificat under the hand of the Mayor and Recorder of Carlyll both therwith produced and the said John Lennox being to be tryed upon his life for the said murder before his Majesties Justices of Generall Goall delyverie for the County of Cumberland in the being of august nixt and the probatione and witnesses necessar for Convicting him of the said murder Liveing within Scotland the petitioner can nowayes either prevaill with no Compell them to goe to Carlyll to give evidence in the said matter before the Justices of the said tryall unles ther Lordships Grant speciall order and Warrand to Compell them therto, and it being the ordinary practise in the like casses and ane office of Humanity and necessary for the good Corrospondance betwixt the kingdomes both asweell a duty for purging the land from Innocent blood that all incouragment and assistance should be given to furnish and assist the petitioner with the necessary probation for Convicting a persone 3 guilty of so attrocious and hyneous a murder Especially of a persone who Lost his life of his faithfullness and dilligence in serving his Majestie And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect after mentioned His Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Margret Scot relict of the deceast George Grahame in Hagtoune with a Certificat under the hand of the mayor and Recorder of Carlyll mentioned in and produced with the said petition They heirby Recomend to the Earle of Annandale Stewart principall of the Stewartrie of Annandale and Gives order and Warrand to his Lordships deputs in the said office and Mr Duncan McCarter baillie of the regality of Lidsdale to seize upon and apprehend Robert Lenox brother to the said John Knox4, Agnes Irvine Spouse to the said John Lenox […] Crighton mother to the said John Lennox John Irvine ther sone, Francis Irvine in Todholls and Jean Foradge his spouse George Irvine in Barrastaks and Elspeth Johnston his spouse George Mcburnie in Redkirkmilne and Margrat Caruthers his Spouse Jean Johnstone relict of John Bruce ther and […] and Thomas Bruces her two Sones John Crichton at Gratney Church and Elspeth Dicksone his spouse William Beattie in Logan-house and […] his Spouse John Beattie in Smelloms and Blench Lennox his spouse William Beattie in Dickside and Jean Lenox his spouse Francis Crichton in Quintonhills Edward Hackeness in Skaills George Neillsone ther Robert Edgar in Eliotstoune and […] Robert Ridock in Mylneflatt, Patrick Currie in Sauchbridge and Elspeth Johnston his spouse James Johnstone in Reidkirk John Johnstones elder and younger ther James Glendining in Headlescross, Halbert Irvine in Todholls and […] Irvine his Spouse George Farish betwixt the watters Thomas Rae in Dykestoune Mary Riddick in Mylneflatt, Alexander Litle in Midlby Mary Lennox daughter to Robert Lenox elder and sister to the Murderer Liveing within the said Stewartrie who are all necessary witnesses for proiving the said John Lenox Comitted the said Murder, With such others as shall be particularly Condescended on to them be the petitioner and Likewayes all such as shall be found necessary by the examination of the persones forsaids named in the petitione Liveing within ther respective Jurisdictiones and either to detaine them in Custody upon the petitioners expences untill they be Caried to the above Goall delyvery and give evidence in the above process or otherwayes untill they give bond and good Caution under suficient penalties to appear before the Justices of the said Goall delyverie in August nixt upon the petitioners oun expences and give evidence in the above matter according as they shall be asked and speired at, And the saids Lords Doe heirby Ordaine Sir Patrick Maxwell of Sprinkell (who as one of the later border Commissioners and is barron and master of the roome wher the Murderer dwelt made some inquirie in the said matter to delyver up to the petitioners any examination taken be him heretofore in the said matter.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 259r-261r.
2. The word ‘their’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘so’ scored out here.
4. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 259r-261r.
2. The word ‘their’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘so’ scored out here.
4. Sic.