At Edinburgh 22d January 1695
Proclamatione Dischargeing salt beeff from Ireland
The following proclamatione being also read was lykewayes voted approven and signed and ordered also to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth Proclamatione dischargeing the importeing of saltbeef from Ireland to Scotland William by the grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill messingers at armes our shiriffs in that part conjunctlly and severally speciallie constitute greeting Forasmuch as by divers Lawes and acts of parliament made by our Royall predicessors The importing and Bringing into this Kingdom of any Cattell from the Kingdome of Ireland is discharged and that by former proclamations emitted therupon, the importing of salt beeff from the said Kingdome of Ireland to this our ancient Kingdome by any of our subjects is also prohibited and discharged under the Certificationes therein mentioned and we being resolved That the said Laws and acts of parliament and proclamations shall be duelie execute and obeyed in tyme comeing Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councille strictly prohibite and discharge the importing and inbringing into this Kingdome any salt beeff by whatsomever persone or persons after the first day of March next to come: unless by merchants who buys the same in Ireland to be exported and does accordinglie export the same to any forraigne Countrey out of this Kingdome but noe wayes be sold disposed or made use of within the Kingdome of Scotland after the day foresaid and the said merchants who shall buy any Irish beeff to be exported in maner above mentioned, shall noe wayes liver or put the samine on shoar at any port within this Kingdome but shall keep the same on board of their ship or vessell water born untill the samine be exported by them in maner foresaid Certifieing all such who shall contravert the premisses or reset conceal or make use of any of the salt beiff so imported from the Kingdome of Ireland, The samine shall not only be confiscat but the importers, resetters, users and concealers therof shall be otherwayes punished as the Lords of our privy Councill shall judge their transgressione to deserve And we with advyce foresaid requyre and Command all magistrats of burghs Collectors and waiters of the severall seaports within this Kingdome to see the premisses duely observed and exactlie put to executione as they will be answerable our will is herefore and we charge you strictlie and Command That incontinent these our letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the remanent marcat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority by open proclamation make intimatione hereof Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuentie two day of Januarie and of our Reigne the sexth year Jaj vjc nyntie and fyve years sic subscribitur Annandal P J Morton Cassillis Leven Forfar Breadalbane J Murray Raith Carmichael Lodovick Gran ST Burnet.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 106-7.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 106-7.