Edinburgh the Twentie Two day of January Jaj vjc nyntie five years
Recomendation Grahame of Gramshall and others in Orkney
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be James Grahame of Gramshall for himself and in name and behalf of the haill gentlmen and inhabitants within the Countrey of Orkney Shewing That quher the said Countrey of Orkney Is not only by its Citatione the most exposed of any place within the kingdome to the Landing and waisting of the French privateers But alsoe dureing all the years of this present Warr, He sustained the greatest Losses and plundering by the frequent Landing of the pirrots and particularly the petitioner haveing his house situat within the entry of Holmesound being the pass throw that Countrey to Carstoune and the wastward Is of all others the most infested, and in the moneth of June Last ther having two French privateers come into that harbour one of fourtie four and the other of twentie Guns and made Capture of thrie ships Lying ther, They afterwards Landed and pillaged the Ferryhouse and hade Certainly gone throw the wholl main Island of Orkney and might have pillaged the toune of Kirkwall it self hade it not been by the petitioners means who with the Concourse of his friends Togither with his oun tennents and servants to the number of six2 hundred men waited ther designes and frustrat all ther attempts of ther Landing which Continued for four dayes togither dureing all which Continued for four dayes togither dureing all which time the petitiones was necessitate not only to mantaine the forsaid number of men and furnish amunitione But alsoe sustained the Loss of Two Thousand merks and upwards, By haveing ane Island belonging to him Called Lambholme one the other syde of the Bey totally waisted and destroyed In Respect of which and upon Consideratione that ensieuing year may produce the like if not greater Losses to the petitioner and the other inhabitants within the Countrey And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in the first place to order the repairatione of the petitioners Losses either by retentione of so much of his few dutie which he payes to his majestie furth of the said Island of Lambholme and his uther Lands upon the mayn Island of Orkney3 or in any other maner the saids Lords should think more fitting and to recomend the petitioner to the Lords of his majesties thesaury for that effect And in the most place to prevent the dangers of that Countrey by ordering some armes and amonitione to be sent ther to be keept at Kirkwall and to be made use of as occasion shall serve or it the saids Lords think more fitting to order som4 Company’s out of any regiments that Stayes, within the kingdome to be sent ther for incouragment and assistance of the inhabitants within the Countrey as the petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Having Considered a petition given in to them be James Grame of Gramshall for himself and in name and behalf of the haill Gentlmen and inhabitants within the Countrey of Orkney They hereby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to take tryall anent the petitioners oun Losses and to order such repairationes therof to be made to the petitioner as they shall find Just And that in such way and maner and out of such fonds as they shall find most proper And Recomend to the saids Lords Commissioners to Cause transmitt such quantities of armes and amunitione to Orkney as they shall find necessary for preventing of Dangers and secureing that Countrey from enemies and to take care that the same be Lodged in the hands of suficient and fitt persones weell effected to his majestie and the present government.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 154r-155r.
2. The word ‘thousand’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘ordinary’ scored out here.
4. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 154r-155r.
2. The word ‘thousand’ scored out here.
3. The word ‘ordinary’ scored out here.
4. Insertion.