Att Edinburgh the twelve day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Act for a voluntar contributione for building a bridge at Qweensferry
The Lords of his majesties privie Councell haveing considered a petitione given in to them be James Dalgleish George Dwndas and James Jamesone present magistrats of the burgh of Qweensferrie They heirby allow a voluntar collectione to be made in all the paroch churches within the Shyres of Edinburgh Haddintowne Linlithgow Pearth Fiffe Stirleing Aberdeen Angws and Mairnes And the burgh of Glasgow for bwilding or perfiteing of ane harboure alreadie begwne at the Sowth Qweensferrie And for helping of the Landing places on the north syde of that ferrie at sight of The Lord Yeaster And that upon Such Lords Days As the petitioners Shall condescend upon And appoints intimatione to be made herewith at the Severall paroch churches wher the Same Shall be collected upon The Lords day imediatly preceeding the day of the collectione And nominats and appoints the said George Dwndas one of the petitioners to be factor for uplifting and ingathering of the Saids collectiones in respect the said factor Hes given bond and fownd cautione acted in the books of privie Counsell That he Shall imploy the money which Shall be collected upon the bwilding and repaireing of the said harboure and helping the Landing places upon the north Syde of the ferrie And that the said Landing places Shall be helped at Sight of the said Lord Yeaster And if ther be any Superplws of the saids collectiones more then Shall be imployed for the wses above mentioned That he Shall make payment of the Same to the Saids Lords of privie Counsell or any whom they Shall appoint And allowed thir presents to be printed
1. NRS, PC2/26, 59r-59v.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 59r-59v.