Order, 19 March 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Tuesday the 19th March 1695



Recomendation John Bowman to the thesaury

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a report made to them be a Comittie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that they haveing Considered the accompts given in to them be John Bowman merchant in Glasgow with the instructiones of the same, They Find that ther are severall debts owing to the said John Bowman most of them instructed be precepts or bonds be the officers afternamed in the regiments efter sett doune viz be Livd Coll Sir Duncan Campbell, Captaine Duncan Campbell of Keams, Captain Hector Banantyne, Captaine Archibald McCaula Captaine Thomas Drumond Captaine Bruce of Kennet Captaine John Campbell Captaine Gavin Hamiltone, Collin Campbell Livt Collin Fairfoull, Livd James Simervell Livd Duncan Campbell of Carrick Livd George Dick Ensigne Alexander Campbell of Finave Ensigne Alexander Campbell brother to Arkindlass Ensigne Duncan Grahame Ensigne John Lamount Ensigne John Campbell and Mr Howat Gentlman Caddie All in the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foott, Item by Captaine Alexander Cuninghame of Corshill, Ensigne William Cuninghame and Ensigne Thomas Cunninghame in the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot Item be Captaine Baillie of Hardingtoune Livd Gavin Hamiltone, Livd George Weir, Livd John Crafurd, Ensigne James Baillie and Hary Stirling Serjant all in the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot, Item by Captaine James Gordone of Craichlaw, Daniall Gordone Captaine Livetenant and Livd John Nisbet all in the Viscount of Kenmuirs regiment of foot Item be Livd William Greir and Ensigne Francis Hislope both in the now deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foott, Item Sir William Ruthven Captaine Livetenant to the Lord Newbotle his Troope of Dragoons, William Hamiltone of Raploch Livd to the Lord Belhaven his troop of horss, Livd William Andersone in Coll Cuninghames regiment of Dragoons and Francis Busqueit serjant to my Lord Ross his troop of horss, and the Committie Finds that almost all these debts are for Cloathes or necessar furnishing to the above officers and that they are all officers of the scots forces, And Therfore It is ther opinion That it be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury To stopt the arreirs resting to the forsaids officers untill the said John Bowman be Called and heard before ther Lordships as to the payment of his debts out of the first end of the saids areirs as the report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe herby approve of the above Report, And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to stopt the arreirs of the officers named in the report untill the above John Bowman be Called and heard before ther Lordships as to the payment of his debts out of the first end of the saids areirs.

Edinburgh Tuesday the 19th March 1695



Recomendation John Bowman to the thesaury

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a report made to them be a Comittie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that they haveing Considered the accompts given in to them be John Bowman merchant in Glasgow with the instructiones of the same, They Find that ther are severall debts owing to the said John Bowman most of them instructed be precepts or bonds be the officers afternamed in the regiments efter sett doune viz be Livd Coll Sir Duncan Campbell, Captaine Duncan Campbell of Keams, Captain Hector Banantyne, Captaine Archibald McCaula Captaine Thomas Drumond Captaine Bruce of Kennet Captaine John Campbell Captaine Gavin Hamiltone, Collin Campbell Livt Collin Fairfoull, Livd James Simervell Livd Duncan Campbell of Carrick Livd George Dick Ensigne Alexander Campbell of Finave Ensigne Alexander Campbell brother to Arkindlass Ensigne Duncan Grahame Ensigne John Lamount Ensigne John Campbell and Mr Howat Gentlman Caddie All in the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foott, Item by Captaine Alexander Cuninghame of Corshill, Ensigne William Cuninghame and Ensigne Thomas Cunninghame in the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot Item be Captaine Baillie of Hardingtoune Livd Gavin Hamiltone, Livd George Weir, Livd John Crafurd, Ensigne James Baillie and Hary Stirling Serjant all in the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot, Item by Captaine James Gordone of Craichlaw, Daniall Gordone Captaine Livetenant and Livd John Nisbet all in the Viscount of Kenmuirs regiment of foot Item be Livd William Greir and Ensigne Francis Hislope both in the now deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foott, Item Sir William Ruthven Captaine Livetenant to the Lord Newbotle his Troope of Dragoons, William Hamiltone of Raploch Livd to the Lord Belhaven his troop of horss, Livd William Andersone in Coll Cuninghames regiment of Dragoons and Francis Busqueit serjant to my Lord Ross his troop of horss, and the Committie Finds that almost all these debts are for Cloathes or necessar furnishing to the above officers and that they are all officers of the scots forces, And Therfore It is ther opinion That it be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury To stopt the arreirs resting to the forsaids officers untill the said John Bowman be Called and heard before ther Lordships as to the payment of his debts out of the first end of the saids areirs as the report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe herby approve of the above Report, And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to stopt the arreirs of the officers named in the report untill the above John Bowman be Called and heard before ther Lordships as to the payment of his debts out of the first end of the saids areirs.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 214r-214v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 214r-214v.