Procedure, 17 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh Thursday 17th January 1695



Anent the accompts resting by the Forces to the Countrey

Petitione Carnagie of Phineven Craveing the accoumpts for the Barrony of […] may be yet received in albeit the dyet appoynted for inbringing be elapsed Read and appoynts the Clerks of Councill to prepare a proclamatione prorogateing the dyet for inbringing the accompts due to the Countrey by the forces till the fyfteen day of March and appoynting these accompts to be instructed and given in, in the forme and method prescribed by the proclamatione of the Councill of the date the threttie one day of Jully last

At Edinburgh Thursday 17th January 1695



Anent the accompts resting by the Forces to the Countrey

Petitione Carnagie of Phineven Craveing the accoumpts for the Barrony of […] may be yet received in albeit the dyet appoynted for inbringing be elapsed Read and appoynts the Clerks of Councill to prepare a proclamatione prorogateing the dyet for inbringing the accompts due to the Countrey by the forces till the fyfteen day of March and appoynting these accompts to be instructed and given in, in the forme and method prescribed by the proclamatione of the Councill of the date the threttie one day of Jully last

1. NRS, PC1/50, 99.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 99.