Act, 10 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act William Cannan

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Cannan late merchand in Whitehorne Shewing That the petitioner by the blessings of God upon his paines and wndustriousness haveing acquyred a considerable Stock wherin he bought a Small vessell and Loaded her with green Linen cloath Sklaites and Such other comodities As the Isle of man could affoord Intending by voyadge for Whitehaven in England But by contrairie wynds And great Stress of weather the said vessell was upon the third of September last Driven upon and Sand bank neer Ramsayes road the water of Dee wher She was broke in peices and the whole Cargo Loft as the petitioner did instantly verifie by wndoubted testificats prodwced with the said petitione By which sad providence the petitioner haveing Left the Stock he had in the world he his wyfe and numerows familie of childrein thowgh once in a good conditione is now necessitat for his and ther Subsistance humbly to Supplicat the saids Lords of privie Counsell in order to ther present releife And Seing it is well knowen to many as is now instructed that the petitioner was born in the parochin of Whitehorne and all his predicessors past memorie of man and wife to merchandize in the Shyre of Air and Renfrew and in Severall places of Galloway And tho the petitioner hes not bein brought into Straite either throw his negligence or misimprovement of what he possessed but allenerly throw his forsaid sad Loss wherby he and his poor familie are redacted to great extremitie And if the petitioner were allowed to collect but a Sucall thing in order to sett up againe he intends to be no furder troublesome As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of privie Counsell And they haveing at lenth considered the same They heirby allow a voluntar contributione to be collected at the severall paroch churches within the Shyres of Air and Galloway for the Supply and releiff of the said William Cannan and his poor familie And that upon such Lords dayes as the petitioner Shall make intimatione of to the ministers within the saids two Shyres And appoints the ministers to make intimatione for the said collectione to ther parochiners upon the Lords Day imediatly preceeding that Lords Day upon which the saids collectiones shall be made

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act William Cannan

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Cannan late merchand in Whitehorne Shewing That the petitioner by the blessings of God upon his paines and wndustriousness haveing acquyred a considerable Stock wherin he bought a Small vessell and Loaded her with green Linen cloath Sklaites and Such other comodities As the Isle of man could affoord Intending by voyadge for Whitehaven in England But by contrairie wynds And great Stress of weather the said vessell was upon the third of September last Driven upon and Sand bank neer Ramsayes road the water of Dee wher She was broke in peices and the whole Cargo Loft as the petitioner did instantly verifie by wndoubted testificats prodwced with the said petitione By which sad providence the petitioner haveing Left the Stock he had in the world he his wyfe and numerows familie of childrein thowgh once in a good conditione is now necessitat for his and ther Subsistance humbly to Supplicat the saids Lords of privie Counsell in order to ther present releife And Seing it is well knowen to many as is now instructed that the petitioner was born in the parochin of Whitehorne and all his predicessors past memorie of man and wife to merchandize in the Shyre of Air and Renfrew and in Severall places of Galloway And tho the petitioner hes not bein brought into Straite either throw his negligence or misimprovement of what he possessed but allenerly throw his forsaid sad Loss wherby he and his poor familie are redacted to great extremitie And if the petitioner were allowed to collect but a Sucall thing in order to sett up againe he intends to be no furder troublesome As the said petitione bears Which petitione being this day red in presence of the saids Lords of privie Counsell And they haveing at lenth considered the same They heirby allow a voluntar contributione to be collected at the severall paroch churches within the Shyres of Air and Galloway for the Supply and releiff of the said William Cannan and his poor familie And that upon such Lords dayes as the petitioner Shall make intimatione of to the ministers within the saids two Shyres And appoints the ministers to make intimatione for the said collectione to ther parochiners upon the Lords Day imediatly preceeding that Lords Day upon which the saids collectiones shall be made

1. NRS, PC2/26, 57v-58r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 57v-58r.