Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Shyre of Kincardin

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill having the Report of a Comittie of ther oun number appointed for revising the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the Committie having Considered the accompts given in to them be his majesties forces to the heritors tenants and inhabitants within the shyr of Kincardin with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that ther are some of the articles of the saids accompts Which are not in the termes of the act of parliament for polmoney And proclamations of Councill relative therto And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles And Finds that the haill articles of the saids accompts suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and depositions of the persones furnishers therof taken before the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Kincardin Conforme to the reports of the saids Commissioners besides severall recepts all quhich accompts reports and recepts were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie And Finds that Conforme to the saids accomptts and instructions therof ther is yet resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenants and inhabitants within the said shyre of Kincardin the soumes following Viz By the deceast Lord Cardross his Regiment of Dragoons the sum of six hundreth and Fourtie two pends ten shilling five penies scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the sum of thriescore thretein punds sixtein shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foot Eight punds scots Item by the Lord Elphingston his troop of horss the sum of Fourtie punds seven shilling six penies scots Item by the Laird of Blair his troop of horss The sum of Twenty four pund four shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his troop of horss the sum of Thriescore fiftein punds thretein shilling scots Item by Coll Richard Cuningham his regiment of foot the sum of Fourscore seventein punds six shilling Eight penies scots Item by the Master of Polwarth his troop of horss the soume of Fourscore Eight punds four shilling Thrie penies scots Item by the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the sum of Twentie six punds one shilling scots Item by Coll John Buchan his regiment of foot two punds ten shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants within the said shyre of Kincardine to the sum of one Thousand Thriescore Eightein punds two shilling ten penies scots And Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last sum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and proclamations of Councill relative therto, And Therfore Its the Committies opinion that the said sum be payed out of the said pole money and that the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants forsaids are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Comittie Finds that besides the articles forsaid ther is resting by the forces following all upon scots pay to Androw Strachan Collector of the supply within the said shyre of Kincairdin for Corne and Straw furnished be him to them out of the magazine of Stonhyve and Fittercairne preceiding February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Which They Find proven as said is The sums following Viz be the Lord Elphingston his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth Thriescore five punds scots Item be Captain Burnet his troop of horss two punds scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the sum of ane hundreth twentie Eight punds five shilling scots Extending the saids thrie sums to the sum of Two hundreth and Fourscore fiftein punds five shilling money forsaid And it is the Committies opinion that the sum Is to be payed to the said Androw Strachan out of the polemoney And that he is to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for that effect In Respect that albeit the same be for corne and straw out of the magizins forsaids yet it is Clearly instructed the same was given to scots forces and ther severall proportiones are partly Condescended on But In respect the Councill has not determined what Courss to take with Magizins Therfore the leave the same to them to do therin as they think fitt And Finds that ther is resting to the heritors tennent and inhabitants forsaids within the said shyre for Corne and straw furnished to the magazin at Aberdein the sum of Thretie thrie punds Eleven 2 penies Scots and leaves to the Councill to do with this also as they shall think fitt as the said report bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe hereby approve of the above report And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the pollmoney To Cause pay to the saids heritors and inhabitants of Kincairne the above sum of ane thousand thriescore Eightein punds two shilling ten penie as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney And Likewayes Recomends to them to Cause pay to Androw Strachan designed in the report the sum of Two hundred Fourscore fiftein pund five shilling scots stated in the report for Corne and straw furnished be him to the saids forces on scots pay and that out of the siad polemoney and as to the Threttie thrie pund Eleven penies Given in to the magizin for corne and straw Reserves action against the keeper of the magizin for the same as accords in Law.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Shyre of Kincardin

The Lords of his majesties privy Councill having the Report of a Comittie of ther oun number appointed for revising the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the Committie having Considered the accompts given in to them be his majesties forces to the heritors tenants and inhabitants within the shyr of Kincardin with the instructiones and verifications therof They Find that ther are some of the articles of the saids accompts Which are not in the termes of the act of parliament for polmoney And proclamations of Councill relative therto And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles And Finds that the haill articles of the saids accompts suficiently verified and proven be the oathes and depositions of the persones furnishers therof taken before the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Kincardin Conforme to the reports of the saids Commissioners besides severall recepts all quhich accompts reports and recepts were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie And Finds that Conforme to the saids accomptts and instructions therof ther is yet resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenants and inhabitants within the said shyre of Kincardin the soumes following Viz By the deceast Lord Cardross his Regiment of Dragoons the sum of six hundreth and Fourtie two pends ten shilling five penies scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the sum of thriescore thretein punds sixtein shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foot Eight punds scots Item by the Lord Elphingston his troop of horss the sum of Fourtie punds seven shilling six penies scots Item by the Laird of Blair his troop of horss The sum of Twenty four pund four shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his troop of horss the sum of Thriescore fiftein punds thretein shilling scots Item by Coll Richard Cuningham his regiment of foot the sum of Fourscore seventein punds six shilling Eight penies scots Item by the Master of Polwarth his troop of horss the soume of Fourscore Eight punds four shilling Thrie penies scots Item by the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the sum of Twentie six punds one shilling scots Item by Coll John Buchan his regiment of foot two punds ten shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants within the said shyre of Kincardine to the sum of one Thousand Thriescore Eightein punds two shilling ten penies scots And Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last sum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and proclamations of Councill relative therto, And Therfore Its the Committies opinion that the said sum be payed out of the said pole money and that the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants forsaids are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly and the Comittie Finds that besides the articles forsaid ther is resting by the forces following all upon scots pay to Androw Strachan Collector of the supply within the said shyre of Kincairdin for Corne and Straw furnished be him to them out of the magazine of Stonhyve and Fittercairne preceiding February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Which They Find proven as said is The sums following Viz be the Lord Elphingston his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth Thriescore five punds scots Item be Captain Burnet his troop of horss two punds scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the sum of ane hundreth twentie Eight punds five shilling scots Extending the saids thrie sums to the sum of Two hundreth and Fourscore fiftein punds five shilling money forsaid And it is the Committies opinion that the sum Is to be payed to the said Androw Strachan out of the polemoney And that he is to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for that effect In Respect that albeit the same be for corne and straw out of the magizins forsaids yet it is Clearly instructed the same was given to scots forces and ther severall proportiones are partly Condescended on But In respect the Councill has not determined what Courss to take with Magizins Therfore the leave the same to them to do therin as they think fitt And Finds that ther is resting to the heritors tennent and inhabitants forsaids within the said shyre for Corne and straw furnished to the magazin at Aberdein the sum of Thretie thrie punds Eleven 2 penies Scots and leaves to the Councill to do with this also as they shall think fitt as the said report bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe hereby approve of the above report And Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the pollmoney To Cause pay to the saids heritors and inhabitants of Kincairne the above sum of ane thousand thriescore Eightein punds two shilling ten penie as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney And Likewayes Recomends to them to Cause pay to Androw Strachan designed in the report the sum of Two hundred Fourscore fiftein pund five shilling scots stated in the report for Corne and straw furnished be him to the saids forces on scots pay and that out of the siad polemoney and as to the Threttie thrie pund Eleven penies Given in to the magizin for corne and straw Reserves action against the keeper of the magizin for the same as accords in Law.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 324v-325v.

2. The word ‘shilling’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 324v-325v.

2. The word ‘shilling’ scored out here.