Edinburgh Thursday 21 February 1695
Act John Irvin for the Toune of Dumfrees
Anent a Supplication given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Irvine of Drumcoltrane in name of the toun of Drumfrees Shewing That quher the petitioner did present to Captaine Campbell on of Coll Douglas his Captaines two suficient souldiers in name of the said toune for the last Levie who secured them in the prisone of Dumfrees till he should Call for them and grant recept And true it is that the petitioners Could not obtaine the said recept till the petitioners brought the said Captaine to his Coll who gave him assurance that he hade received them and quherupon the said Coll Granted his recept as the samen thertwith produced would testifie And being informed that ther Lordships upon ane misrepresentatione that the petitioners were deficient and hade not delyvered ther souldiers in due time)2 have fyned the petitioners in four hundred merks nothwithstanding that the petitioner were never deficient Bot most ready to Contribute their outmost endeavors for the present government, as ane instrument under the hand of John Herries nottar publict delyvered to the said Coll Douglas would testifie And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above John Irving with Coll Douglas his recept or discharge mentioned therin and produced therwith They hereby Exoner the petitioner and the toune of Dumfrees of the above four hundred merks of fyne for alledged deficiencie And sustaines the Collonells Discharge for the two Souldiers and Discharges any persone to trouble or mollest them for ther deficiency in the Outreik of the said souldiers
1. NRS, PC2/25, 186r-186v.
2. Opening bracket missing.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 186r-186v.
2. Opening bracket missing.