At Edinburgh the twelth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Proclamatione Cryeing up the money
The proclamatione afterinsert being read voted and approven was ordered to be recorded A proclamation for raising the rate of money William by the grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our Privie Councill messengers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctlly and severally speciallie Constitut greeting Forasmuch as by the raising of the rate of the Currant coyne in the neighbouring Kingdoms and Countries with quhom this our ancient Kingdome hath trade and trafique it is found That there is much money both gold and silver exported furth of the same so that a proportionall raiseing of the rate of the Coyns presently Current in this Kingdom is necessary to restraine the said export and prevent the prejudice thereof Therfore we with advyse of the Lords of our privie Councill thought fitt to raise and do hereby doe raise the rates of the species aftermentioned to be from the day and date hereof as followeth viz the rate of the Silver Croune peice Coyned in Scotland or of the Silver milned Crowne of England to three pound sex shilling, of the Silver Scots fourty shilling peice to fourty four shilling of the silver milned half Croune of England to thretty three shilling of the silver scots tuenty shilling peice to tuenty two shilling of the silver scots ten shilling peice to eleven shilling of the doucadouns to three pounds fourteen shilling, of the four rex dollars called the bank sword dollor wyld mane wyld horse dollars and Castle Dollars to three pounds all the rest of the rex dollars continowing as they were at the rate of fiftie eight shilling of the scots four merk peice, the log dollar French silver Croune peice Crosse dollar and milnryne each of them to fiftie eight shilling and all their Halfs and quarters proportionally and these rates above sett doune are Hereby declared and ordained to be the Currant rates of the foresaid species and Coynes at which all persones in Contracts and bargaines and in all payments whatsomever shall be oblidged to receive the same as the Currant Coyn of this our ancient Kingdome And furder we doe Hereby strictly ordor and Command That the Laws and Acts of parliament against the transporting gold or silver out of this Kingdome be punctually observed and put to executione by all Concerned Our will is Herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and whole other marcat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres within this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make publicatione Hereof that none may pretend ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuelth day of July and of our Reigne the seventh year Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years sic subscribitur Annandal p Melvill ps Southerland Lothian Kintore Raith Polwarth Adam Cockburne W Anstruther John Lauder Sir Thomas Livingstone Archibald Murray Robert Cheisley
1. NRS, PC1/50, 214-15.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 214-15.