Edinburgh 15th February 1705
Act in favours of the Earle of Murray
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill, By Charles Earle of Morray, Shewing That where Alexander Stewart of Craigtoun his Chamberlane and Factor in Doun has latly Deceased, and very much in Arrear to him, And that he with his Friends caused seall his Cabinet and Trunks where all his papers were placed, and that he duly applyed to the Commisar of Dumblane within whose Jurisdiction the said Deceased Craigtoun recided, Wherupon he caused lawfully Cite Craigtouns nearest Friends and others concerned to be present at a precise day to the intent that all his papers might be regularly inventared and sequestrat to be exhibite to all pairties haveing interest, But being confidently assured that by a contryvance of some of his nearest relations, they designed to lock up the doors of the roume and house where the papers are Lodged on purpose to Cover Craigtouns Sinistrous designs which too palpably appear, and to evacuat his legall procedure in that affair, Therfore Craving it might please their Lordships to interpose their authority, and grant Warrand to the said Commissioner, or Stewart Depute of Monteith, To make open doors, that all Craigtouns papers might be duly Inventared and exhibite to the pairties having Interest, And particularly to him Insofarras his Interest by the papers themselves appear, as the said petition bears, Which petition being upon the thirteenth day of February Jaj viic and fyve years, Read in presence of the said Lords, They appoynted the Same to be seen and ansuered nixt Councill day by any Concerned, Therafter the said bill being moved in presence of the saids Lords upon the day and date of thir presents, The saids Lords Doe heirby grant power and warrand to the Commissary of Dumblane, or Stewart Depute of Monteith, or any one of them to make open doors where the papers and others belonging to the deceist Alexander Stewart of Craigtoun are Sequestrat, and Ordains them by their Clerks and others whom they shall appoynt to Inventar the saids papers, And to give Inventars Subscrybed by the said Clerks and Inspection of the saids papers to all persons Concerned and particularly to the petitioner Insofarras his Interest by the papers themselves appears
1. NRS, PC2/28, 366v-367r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 366v-367r.