Procedure: committee formed, 13 December 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of december Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs


Procedure: committee formed

Committie anent Prest men and Souldiers and for determineing debats theranent

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell for the better regulating the Complaints made anent prest men, and redressing the abuses therof, Doe heirby appoynt the Committie wnderwryten Viz The Earle of Sutherland, The Earle of Lauderdale, The Earle of Findlater, The Earle of Levine, The Earle of Forfar, The Earle of Roseberrie, The Earle of Glasgow, The Lord Haddo, The Lord Advocat, Mr Francis Montgomry, The Laird of Blacader, and Lord Provest of Edinburgh, or any two of them as a Quorum to meet each day in the Committie rowme in the Councell Chamber at ellevine in the foirnoon, and ther to abyde and hear and give ther orders and determine Complaints till twelve acloak, Impowering any one of the said Committie to give orders for arreisting or Stoping or for searching and Seasing in order to tryall, But that for determineing and adjudging in order to transporting or not, The Same to be done by two of the said Committie at least as the quorum therof, and the saids Lords forbidds all application to be made to any of the members of the said Committie either for obtaining warrands for arreisting or for determineing the questions anent prest men except at the tyme, and in the place forsaid, And Recommends to all the members of the said Committie That they receive no applications from either officer or partie in the premisses Except in the maner And att the tyme and place above prescrybed, and that from the Clerks of Councell allenerly or ther Srevants, And ordains these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend ignorance.

Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of december Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs


Procedure: committee formed

Committie anent Prest men and Souldiers and for determineing debats theranent

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell for the better regulating the Complaints made anent prest men, and redressing the abuses therof, Doe heirby appoynt the Committie wnderwryten Viz The Earle of Sutherland, The Earle of Lauderdale, The Earle of Findlater, The Earle of Levine, The Earle of Forfar, The Earle of Roseberrie, The Earle of Glasgow, The Lord Haddo, The Lord Advocat, Mr Francis Montgomry, The Laird of Blacader, and Lord Provest of Edinburgh, or any two of them as a Quorum to meet each day in the Committie rowme in the Councell Chamber at ellevine in the foirnoon, and ther to abyde and hear and give ther orders and determine Complaints till twelve acloak, Impowering any one of the said Committie to give orders for arreisting or Stoping or for searching and Seasing in order to tryall, But that for determineing and adjudging in order to transporting or not, The Same to be done by two of the said Committie at least as the quorum therof, and the saids Lords forbidds all application to be made to any of the members of the said Committie either for obtaining warrands for arreisting or for determineing the questions anent prest men except at the tyme, and in the place forsaid, And Recommends to all the members of the said Committie That they receive no applications from either officer or partie in the premisses Except in the maner And att the tyme and place above prescrybed, and that from the Clerks of Councell allenerly or ther Srevants, And ordains these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend ignorance.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 434.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 434.