Letter: royal, 11 April 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Elevinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen anent Captain Green and […]

Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Councell Anent Captain Green and his Crew being read was ordered to be recorded, wherof the tenor follows.
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Counsellors, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellors, and trustie and well beloved Counsellors, wee greet yow well By a letter to yow from the Duke of Argyle our Commissioner by our Speciall order, And also by one under our own hand, wee Signified to yow our Inclination that ther should be a Stop to the execution of any Sentence pronunced against Captain Thomas Green and his crew, untill wee had considered their tryall, which wee then ordered yow to transmitt to us, And that wee Should Signifie to yow our pleasure concerning them: Both which proceeded not from any intention of pardoning any of them that wer evidently guiltie of the crymes proved against them, But from the pressing Soliciatious of ther freinds heir, who represent that Captain Drummond who is alleadged to have2 been murdered by the said Captain Green, Is still alyve in the East Indies, And that two of the said Captain Drummonds Crew that wer lately aryved from thence, had given affidavits theranent; And wee having considered the said tryall transmitted by yow, with the confessions of Thomas Lintseed, George Haynes, and John Brouckley In relation to the said pirracie and murder, with yor Letters, and the representations laid befor ws by our Commissioner, Wee have now Remitted these affidavits to be perused by yow, And lave it intirely to yow either to Sufferr the Sentence to be putt in execution, or to grant further repryves to them as yow Shall Judge most fitt. So recommending. Such calmness and moderation in yor procedure as a matter of that nature does requyre, wee bid yow heartily fairwell. Given at our Court at St James’s the Sevinth day of Apryll 1705. And of our reigne the fourth year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Alexander Wedderburne.

Att Edinburgh the Elevinth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen anent Captain Green and […]

Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Councell Anent Captain Green and his Crew being read was ordered to be recorded, wherof the tenor follows.
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Counsellors, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellors, and trustie and well beloved Counsellors, wee greet yow well By a letter to yow from the Duke of Argyle our Commissioner by our Speciall order, And also by one under our own hand, wee Signified to yow our Inclination that ther should be a Stop to the execution of any Sentence pronunced against Captain Thomas Green and his crew, untill wee had considered their tryall, which wee then ordered yow to transmitt to us, And that wee Should Signifie to yow our pleasure concerning them: Both which proceeded not from any intention of pardoning any of them that wer evidently guiltie of the crymes proved against them, But from the pressing Soliciatious of ther freinds heir, who represent that Captain Drummond who is alleadged to have2 been murdered by the said Captain Green, Is still alyve in the East Indies, And that two of the said Captain Drummonds Crew that wer lately aryved from thence, had given affidavits theranent; And wee having considered the said tryall transmitted by yow, with the confessions of Thomas Lintseed, George Haynes, and John Brouckley In relation to the said pirracie and murder, with yor Letters, and the representations laid befor ws by our Commissioner, Wee have now Remitted these affidavits to be perused by yow, And lave it intirely to yow either to Sufferr the Sentence to be putt in execution, or to grant further repryves to them as yow Shall Judge most fitt. So recommending. Such calmness and moderation in yor procedure as a matter of that nature does requyre, wee bid yow heartily fairwell. Given at our Court at St James’s the Sevinth day of Apryll 1705. And of our reigne the fourth year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Alexander Wedderburne.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 387.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 387.

2. Insertion.