Warrant, 17 April 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sevinteinth day of Apryll one thousand sevine hundreth and fyve years



Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to continue ther dilligence and make further inquirie anent the persons accessory to the late rable

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Appoynt and ordaine the Magistrats of Edinburgh to continue their dilligence, And make further inquerie into the discoverie of the persons that wer authors, accessaryes or assistants of the tumult and rable that invaded, persued and Stopt the Lord Chancellors Coach upon the ellevinth of Apryll instant, and appoynts them to report ther dilligence to the Councell therin.

Att Edinburgh the Sevinteinth day of Apryll one thousand sevine hundreth and fyve years



Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to continue ther dilligence and make further inquirie anent the persons accessory to the late rable

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Appoynt and ordaine the Magistrats of Edinburgh to continue their dilligence, And make further inquerie into the discoverie of the persons that wer authors, accessaryes or assistants of the tumult and rable that invaded, persued and Stopt the Lord Chancellors Coach upon the ellevinth of Apryll instant, and appoynts them to report ther dilligence to the Councell therin.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 388.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 388.