Act, 20 February 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act Anent destroying prohibite goods

Att Edinburgh the twentie day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell being informed that Some of the members of the Societie for executing the laws anent trade have seized goods that wer Imported contrair to the Acts of parliament, And Still retains them in ther own custody and keeping without being delyvered in to the Magistrat to be cognosed and burnt Conforme to the tenor of the Eight and twelfth Acts of the Eight and Nynth Sessions of King Williams parliament, Doe therfor Appoynt and Ordaine all persons whatsomever that have Seased Goods Imported contrair to the saids Acts, And which they have in ther custody and keeping Instantly to delyver in the Samen to the Magistrats of Edinburgh or nixt Magistrat upon Inventar to ly in their custody till cognosed and burned; And for preventing the lyke abuse in tyme comeing; Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine that when any goods are Seased conforme to the forsaids Acts, the persone that seases the Samen Bring them imediatly and without delay to the nixt Magistrat who is heirby appoynted and Ordained to receive the Samen from the Seasers at whatever tyme of the day or night they be offered, And that the Samen goods at ther delyverie to the Magistrat be sealled by the seaser, And Magistrat till Inventared, And that the Inventar be made with all convenient Speed, And after they are Inventared Appoynts and Ordains the Magistrat without delay to proceed to cognose the same, And that after the goods Suae Seased, are cognosed, the Samen to be cutt in pieces So as to be useless for any thing, And therafter left in the hand of the Magistrat, who is heirby Appoynted to attend himselfe and See the Same burned in the accustomed place, And att the ordinary tyme of the day In maner prescrybed in the forsaids acts of parliament, And appoynts and Ordains the forsaids Magistrats to provyde ane Sufficient guard duly Comanded both to attend the goods when they are brought to be cognosed, and att the burneing that therby all mobbs and rables may be prevented; And Ordains thir presents to be printed and published at the Mercat cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull that non may pretend ignorance Sic Subscribitur Tweeddale Cancellr I.P.D. Rothes P.S. Loudoun Ruglen Hyndfoord Bellhaven, George Baillie, John Cockburne Adam Cockburne, W Anstruther, F Montgomrie, John Home.

Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act Anent destroying prohibite goods

Att Edinburgh the twentie day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell being informed that Some of the members of the Societie for executing the laws anent trade have seized goods that wer Imported contrair to the Acts of parliament, And Still retains them in ther own custody and keeping without being delyvered in to the Magistrat to be cognosed and burnt Conforme to the tenor of the Eight and twelfth Acts of the Eight and Nynth Sessions of King Williams parliament, Doe therfor Appoynt and Ordaine all persons whatsomever that have Seased Goods Imported contrair to the saids Acts, And which they have in ther custody and keeping Instantly to delyver in the Samen to the Magistrats of Edinburgh or nixt Magistrat upon Inventar to ly in their custody till cognosed and burned; And for preventing the lyke abuse in tyme comeing; Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine that when any goods are Seased conforme to the forsaids Acts, the persone that seases the Samen Bring them imediatly and without delay to the nixt Magistrat who is heirby appoynted and Ordained to receive the Samen from the Seasers at whatever tyme of the day or night they be offered, And that the Samen goods at ther delyverie to the Magistrat be sealled by the seaser, And Magistrat till Inventared, And that the Inventar be made with all convenient Speed, And after they are Inventared Appoynts and Ordains the Magistrat without delay to proceed to cognose the same, And that after the goods Suae Seased, are cognosed, the Samen to be cutt in pieces So as to be useless for any thing, And therafter left in the hand of the Magistrat, who is heirby Appoynted to attend himselfe and See the Same burned in the accustomed place, And att the ordinary tyme of the day In maner prescrybed in the forsaids acts of parliament, And appoynts and Ordains the forsaids Magistrats to provyde ane Sufficient guard duly Comanded both to attend the goods when they are brought to be cognosed, and att the burneing that therby all mobbs and rables may be prevented; And Ordains thir presents to be printed and published at the Mercat cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull that non may pretend ignorance Sic Subscribitur Tweeddale Cancellr I.P.D. Rothes P.S. Loudoun Ruglen Hyndfoord Bellhaven, George Baillie, John Cockburne Adam Cockburne, W Anstruther, F Montgomrie, John Home.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 363.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 363.