Warrant, 1 February 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the first day of February Jaj vijc and five yeirs



Warrand for alimenting Captain Green and others of his Crew

Anent the Supplication given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell By Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe Worchester, Captain John Mather chiefe Mate, John Reynolds second Mate, Thomas Lintsteid assistant to the late Super Cargo deceased, Samuell Willcocks doctors Mate, and Thomas Whytehead Servant to the Captain Shewing that wher the petitioners with some others of ther Companie haveing formerly meined themselves to the saids Lords by bill Craveing that dureing their Incarceration they might have ane aliment conforme to the saids Lords practise in the lyke cases, The saids Lords wer pleased by ther delyverance on the said petition only in generall to ordaine the Company to be alimented as formerly without makeing mention of the supplicants names, or any other particular persone, or expressing the quantitie of ther aliment, They begged leave to represent In the first place that by this Interloquitor the Supplicants Seemed alltogether to be excluded from any aliment, For they could not say that ever they wer alimented by the Affrican Company of Scotland, albeit some of ther Crew might have been alimented, And therfor in the nixt place they begged leave to represent that by the practise of all nations, and even of the saids Lords in the lyke cases, they wer informed all persons who are Incarcerat, and are obleidged to attend for ane Indytement the tyme prefixed by act of parliament, are mantained dureing that space either by the publict or by the persons who in formed against them, It was therfor humbly craved the saids Lords would be pleased Conforme to the currant practise in the lyke cases heir and others wher to appoynt to be payed to the Supplicant by the publict, at least by these who informed against them, ane aliment Suteable to their respective Stations, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said petition given in to them by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester, Captain John Mader cheife Mate and others, and the samen being read in their presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoynt the petitioners to be alimented as the rest of the Crew are And that the Samen Shall affect the Cargo of the Shipe the Worchester accordingly.

Att Edinburgh the first day of February Jaj vijc and five yeirs



Warrand for alimenting Captain Green and others of his Crew

Anent the Supplication given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell By Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe Worchester, Captain John Mather chiefe Mate, John Reynolds second Mate, Thomas Lintsteid assistant to the late Super Cargo deceased, Samuell Willcocks doctors Mate, and Thomas Whytehead Servant to the Captain Shewing that wher the petitioners with some others of ther Companie haveing formerly meined themselves to the saids Lords by bill Craveing that dureing their Incarceration they might have ane aliment conforme to the saids Lords practise in the lyke cases, The saids Lords wer pleased by ther delyverance on the said petition only in generall to ordaine the Company to be alimented as formerly without makeing mention of the supplicants names, or any other particular persone, or expressing the quantitie of ther aliment, They begged leave to represent In the first place that by this Interloquitor the Supplicants Seemed alltogether to be excluded from any aliment, For they could not say that ever they wer alimented by the Affrican Company of Scotland, albeit some of ther Crew might have been alimented, And therfor in the nixt place they begged leave to represent that by the practise of all nations, and even of the saids Lords in the lyke cases, they wer informed all persons who are Incarcerat, and are obleidged to attend for ane Indytement the tyme prefixed by act of parliament, are mantained dureing that space either by the publict or by the persons who in formed against them, It was therfor humbly craved the saids Lords would be pleased Conforme to the currant practise in the lyke cases heir and others wher to appoynt to be payed to the Supplicant by the publict, at least by these who informed against them, ane aliment Suteable to their respective Stations, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the said petition given in to them by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester, Captain John Mader cheife Mate and others, and the samen being read in their presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoynt the petitioners to be alimented as the rest of the Crew are And that the Samen Shall affect the Cargo of the Shipe the Worchester accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 351-2.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 351-2.