Att Edinburgh the third day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years
Recommendation to the Lord Chancellor to wryt to the Duke of Gordon anent Fort William
The Lord President of Privie Councill haveing produced to the Councill ane letter direct to his lordship from the Earle of Roxburgh Secretary of State, Anent Fort William, and the Duke of Gordons clame that his Grace hes to the ground upon which the same, with the burgh of Barronie erected near the samen, stands, and the samen being read and considered by ther lordships, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord high Chancellor to wryt to the Duke of Gordone and communicat to his Grace the said Letter, and if his lordship think fitt that he give his Grace a double therof.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 383.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 383.