Decreet, 26 June 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Holyrudehouse the Twentie Sixt day of June Jaj vijc and fyve years



Decreet The Agent for the Kirk against Lauder and Graham Ministers

Anent the lybell and Letters of Complaint raised befor the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk with concourse of Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat for her highnes Interest Mentioning That wher by the fyfth Act of the parliament Jaj vic and nyntie, presbyterian Church Government and discipline is ratified and confirmed to be the Government of Chrysts Church; And Sicklyke by the Twentie Second Act of the parliament Jaj vic nyntie fyve, It is Statute and ordained that no person Shall intrude himselfe into any Church, or Shall exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within any Church, without ane orderly Call from the heretors and Eldership, and legall admission from the presbetrie within whose bounds it Lyes; Lykeas by the Second Act of the parliament Jaj vijc and three All the Saids Acts and other Laws and Status for establihsing presbyterian Church government are Ratified and approven In the haill heads, articles and clauses therof; Nevertheless it is of veritie that Mr James Inglis late Incumbent at Muthill, Mr James Lawder ane Inglish Deacon and Schoollmaster at Muthill, and Mr John Graham late Minister at […] Shakeing off all regaird to our Lawes and authoritie have of late Intruded themselves into the parish of Muthill, and Sett up for preachers therin, and exercise all the other pairts of the Ministeriall function as Baptizeing, marrieing etc In manifast contempt of the Saids Laws and acts of parliament Notwithstanding that the Said Kirk and parish is duly and legally planted; By all which it is evident that the saids Mr James Inglis, Mr James Lawder, and Mr John Graham are guilty of a manifast Intrusion and attempt against the present Setled constitution of the Church, and of a high contempt of her Majesties Laws and authority; which being proven they owght to be punished with the pains of Law, and effectuallie discharged to intrude into or molest the said parish, And otherwayes punished the Saids Lords of Privie Councell Should think fitt to the example and terror of others to committ the lyke in tyme comeing: And Anent the charge given to the foirnamed persons defenders to have compeared befor the Saids Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell at ane certaine day bygone to have answered to the forsaid Complaint, And have heard and Seen Such order and course taken theranent as the Saids Lords of Privie Councell Should think fitt, wnder the pains and with certification in maner mentioned in the Saids Letters and Complaint, As the Samen bears; The within Lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk Against Mr James Inglis late Incumbent at Muthill, Mr James Lauder Inglis Deacon and Schoollmaster at Muthill, and Mr John Graham Late Incumbent at Maddertie Being called, and the perseuars Compearing personallie at the Barr, And the defenders being absent though lawfullie cited to have compeared, and being oft tymes called for that effect and not compeiring, The Councell Grants certification, And appoynts Letters of denounciation to be direct to Meacers or Messengers at armes to pass to the mercat cross of […] And therat in her Majesties name and authoritie duly Lawfullie and orderly denounce the Saids defenders her Majesties Rebells and putt them to her highness horne, Escheat and inbring all ther moveable goods and gear for ther contempt and disobedience, Therafter wpon the nynteint day of June instant His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby Stope extracting of the above certification till Tuesday nixt, And appoynts pairties and ther lawyers to be ready to debate the said day, And upon the day and date of thir presents the above lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk against the above Mr James Lawder, and Mr John Graham being Called, And the persewer Compearing personallie at the barr with Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat, And the Saids defenders Compearing also personallie at the barr, And the lybell being read, And the defenders being by the Chancellor asked if they preached within the parishes of Muthill, They Judicially owned and acknowledged the Same, And therafter being dismissed, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Repon the defenders against the certification formerly granted against them upon the twelfth of June instant upon their Inacting themselves that they shall not preach within the said parish of Muthill, nor exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function therin, And in case they faillie to enact themselves as aforsaid, appoynts the certification to goe out, And the Clerks to give out extracts therof accordingly.

Att Holyrudehouse the Twentie Sixt day of June Jaj vijc and fyve years



Decreet The Agent for the Kirk against Lauder and Graham Ministers

Anent the lybell and Letters of Complaint raised befor the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk with concourse of Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat for her highnes Interest Mentioning That wher by the fyfth Act of the parliament Jaj vic and nyntie, presbyterian Church Government and discipline is ratified and confirmed to be the Government of Chrysts Church; And Sicklyke by the Twentie Second Act of the parliament Jaj vic nyntie fyve, It is Statute and ordained that no person Shall intrude himselfe into any Church, or Shall exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within any Church, without ane orderly Call from the heretors and Eldership, and legall admission from the presbetrie within whose bounds it Lyes; Lykeas by the Second Act of the parliament Jaj vijc and three All the Saids Acts and other Laws and Status for establihsing presbyterian Church government are Ratified and approven In the haill heads, articles and clauses therof; Nevertheless it is of veritie that Mr James Inglis late Incumbent at Muthill, Mr James Lawder ane Inglish Deacon and Schoollmaster at Muthill, and Mr John Graham late Minister at […] Shakeing off all regaird to our Lawes and authoritie have of late Intruded themselves into the parish of Muthill, and Sett up for preachers therin, and exercise all the other pairts of the Ministeriall function as Baptizeing, marrieing etc In manifast contempt of the Saids Laws and acts of parliament Notwithstanding that the Said Kirk and parish is duly and legally planted; By all which it is evident that the saids Mr James Inglis, Mr James Lawder, and Mr John Graham are guilty of a manifast Intrusion and attempt against the present Setled constitution of the Church, and of a high contempt of her Majesties Laws and authority; which being proven they owght to be punished with the pains of Law, and effectuallie discharged to intrude into or molest the said parish, And otherwayes punished the Saids Lords of Privie Councell Should think fitt to the example and terror of others to committ the lyke in tyme comeing: And Anent the charge given to the foirnamed persons defenders to have compeared befor the Saids Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell at ane certaine day bygone to have answered to the forsaid Complaint, And have heard and Seen Such order and course taken theranent as the Saids Lords of Privie Councell Should think fitt, wnder the pains and with certification in maner mentioned in the Saids Letters and Complaint, As the Samen bears; The within Lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk Against Mr James Inglis late Incumbent at Muthill, Mr James Lauder Inglis Deacon and Schoollmaster at Muthill, and Mr John Graham Late Incumbent at Maddertie Being called, and the perseuars Compearing personallie at the Barr, And the defenders being absent though lawfullie cited to have compeared, and being oft tymes called for that effect and not compeiring, The Councell Grants certification, And appoynts Letters of denounciation to be direct to Meacers or Messengers at armes to pass to the mercat cross of […] And therat in her Majesties name and authoritie duly Lawfullie and orderly denounce the Saids defenders her Majesties Rebells and putt them to her highness horne, Escheat and inbring all ther moveable goods and gear for ther contempt and disobedience, Therafter wpon the nynteint day of June instant His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Doe heirby Stope extracting of the above certification till Tuesday nixt, And appoynts pairties and ther lawyers to be ready to debate the said day, And upon the day and date of thir presents the above lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk against the above Mr James Lawder, and Mr John Graham being Called, And the persewer Compearing personallie at the barr with Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat, And the Saids defenders Compearing also personallie at the barr, And the lybell being read, And the defenders being by the Chancellor asked if they preached within the parishes of Muthill, They Judicially owned and acknowledged the Same, And therafter being dismissed, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Repon the defenders against the certification formerly granted against them upon the twelfth of June instant upon their Inacting themselves that they shall not preach within the said parish of Muthill, nor exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function therin, And in case they faillie to enact themselves as aforsaid, appoynts the certification to goe out, And the Clerks to give out extracts therof accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 415-16.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 415-16.