Act, 30 May 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Holyrudehouse the threttieth day of May Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs



Repryve to Henry Keigle and others

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell haveing considered the petition given in to them by Henry Keigle and others of Captain Greens Crew, and the Samen being read in their presence, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and the Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councell, Doe heirby Repryve Henry Keigle, James Burne, Andrew Robertson and George Kitchine four of the deceast Captain Greens Crew from the Sentance of death appoynted to be execute against them wpon the Sixt day of June nixt to come from the said day to the first day of August nixt to come, And discharges the said sentence of death to be putt in execution against them till the said day; And appoynts and Ordains the Magistrats of Edinburgh to cause the Sentence pronounced against the forsaids persons by the Judges of Admiralitie and assessors appoynted to them be putt to punctuall execution against them wpon the said first day of August nixt to come betwixt the hours of eight in the morning and four in the afternoon, att the same place, And in the Same maner, as was appoynted by the saids Judges and Assessors forsaids in the Sentence pronounced against them Sic Subscribitur Argyll Commissioner. Seafeild Cancellar. Annandale S. Leven. Stair. Roseberrie. Glasgow. Hopetoun. Archibald Campbell. James Murray. Adam Cockburne. F Montgomrie. Patrick Johnston.

Att Holyrudehouse the threttieth day of May Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs



Repryve to Henry Keigle and others

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell haveing considered the petition given in to them by Henry Keigle and others of Captain Greens Crew, and the Samen being read in their presence, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and the Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councell, Doe heirby Repryve Henry Keigle, James Burne, Andrew Robertson and George Kitchine four of the deceast Captain Greens Crew from the Sentance of death appoynted to be execute against them wpon the Sixt day of June nixt to come from the said day to the first day of August nixt to come, And discharges the said sentence of death to be putt in execution against them till the said day; And appoynts and Ordains the Magistrats of Edinburgh to cause the Sentence pronounced against the forsaids persons by the Judges of Admiralitie and assessors appoynted to them be putt to punctuall execution against them wpon the said first day of August nixt to come betwixt the hours of eight in the morning and four in the afternoon, att the same place, And in the Same maner, as was appoynted by the saids Judges and Assessors forsaids in the Sentence pronounced against them Sic Subscribitur Argyll Commissioner. Seafeild Cancellar. Annandale S. Leven. Stair. Roseberrie. Glasgow. Hopetoun. Archibald Campbell. James Murray. Adam Cockburne. F Montgomrie. Patrick Johnston.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 407.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 407.