[28 March 1705] Eodem die post meridiem
Repryve In favoures of Thomas Lintsteed
Anent the Petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill by Thomas Lintsteed Assistant to the Supra Cargo of the Ship Worchester Shewing That the petitioner haveing freely and Ingenuously made a Confession of all that he knew in relation to the criminall proces against Captain Green and his Crew, to her Majesties Advocat befor opening the verdict of the assize his lordship was so farr Satisfied with the petitioners ingenuous acknowledgement, that he was pleased to tell him that he would speak to and desyre a recommendation from the saids Lords in behalfe of the petitioner to her Majestie in order to procure a Commission for his2, Which the Judges of Admirality being informed of did lykewayes promise the Same, All which they would own to the saids Lords, And Seeing the dyets of Councill are not fixed and certaine, And that the putting the Sentence in execution against the Petitioner was very Short, Therfor craveing to the effect aftermentioned, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill haveing heard and considered the confession emitted and given by Thomas Lintsteed assistant to the Supercargo of the East India Ship the Worchester with the within petition presented by him, and read in their presence Craveing a repryve in his favours as one of the Crew of the Said Shipe Condemned by the Judges of the high Court of Admiralitie and ther assessors for the Crymes of Pirracie, robberie and others by the petitioner Captain Thomas Green Commander of the said Shipe and others of the Crew belonging to the Same, The Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councill have Repryved and heirby Repryves the said Thomas Lintsteed from the Sentence of death appoynted to have been execute upon him the eighteenth day of Apryll nixt from the said day untill the Fyfteinth day of May nixt to come inclusive, And have delayed and Superceeded the execution of the said sentence untill the day forsaid, And the saids Lords have Recommended, and heirby Recommend the Said Thomas Lintsteed to her Majesties mercie for her gracious pardone and remission to be past and expede under her Majesties great Seall of Scotland in his favours of the saids crymes of Robberie, pirracie and others for which he Stands condemned Sic Subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar. Tweedale P Rothes p.s.. Montrose. Roxburgh. Buchan. Lauderdale. Roseberrie Yester, James Steuart. William Anstruther. George Baillie. Robert Dundas. F Montgomrie.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 379-80.
2. Insertion. This appears above the word ‘my’, which is scored out.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 379-80.
2. Insertion. This appears above the word ‘my’, which is scored out.